
Saturday 24 January 2015


The Son of God as spoken of the 'repose' afterwards I looked to see if the word 'repose' could be found in scripture. Yes - it can be found in the proverbs. 'wisdom reposes in the heart'.

Last night this empath was feeling the 'heart torn apart and the blood splattered' and it feels like an overflow from 2014 due to the what happened during that year. Events of the past that have impacted on the present. Events of 2014 impacting on 2015. We know that 2015 is an 8 year - and 8 is the numeric of spiritual transformation - it is also the CHET and many visions were received in 2010 that are still manifesting.

These days I seem to be receiving more dreams than visions and most of the visions were to do with America and American realities - it was all part of that timeline that relates to Micah 4 for daughter Zion. America received many messages from the LORD and his Son through this instrument that was sent to deliver them.

In the courage to express the clairsentience of the empath - I then went to rest - to be relieved of what I was feeling. Just before I got into bed the heavenly Father spoke softly - SANJAY and the word can be found in India and Indian spirituality. The name means 'Victory'.  In Indian spirituality it is mostly associated with a spiritual text that includes Sanjay - Arjuna and Krishna and Sanjaya is spiritually gifted - a visionary narrator that can see the events in the future.

Interesting that I've received an invitation to attend an open meeting with an Indian politician in the lead up to the British election in May. Saturn is also in my ascendent sign of Sagittarius - the traveller.

You could view the 'heart torn apart and blood splattered' as the heart of the nations - the heart of the planet - that have been 'torn apart' and that the life force - the life experience - and its DNA is everywhere. Who gave anyone the right to take your God given blood from you. 

Some advanced spiritual people from different countries believe that the heart chakra of the world is in England. So what happens in the lead up to the election and during it - will impact on what is ahead for the nations. We can anticipate that this election in 2015 is about life experience of the different realities that has impacted upon everyone's lives.

None have been immune to what has happened to this country and its people in recent decades - it is certainly coming to a climax of the 'heart torn apart'.

A heart torn apart
thy heart in shreds.
Hospital beds cannot
be filled with the calls
from India.

The army of flanders
A federal Europe
businessmen supported
and courted.

They ousted a woman
that worked hard all
of her life. Just a shop
girl they said. She was a
wife - a mother and a
Prime Minster.

The Iron Lady
that defended a
nation from federalism.
Yet - that wasn't good
enough for the men
of ten.

Investors in people
what happened to that.
As children and adults
are sprawled all over
the streets and flats.
The 'blood letting'
never forgetting.

The children set
the country on
Jacobs fire
with Elijah and its
flame that came.

How did they react
they introduced the
bedroom tax.
The cuts run deeper
than the facts - or the
cats in cat city.

The Lions of London
town. Police that take
down tents put in the
place for Christ.

The nations children raised
their banner for the
nation. What would
Jesus say now - to
Lloyds of London.

The country rumbled
quaked and shaked.
How much more
can they take.
We have to take
our country back.
For our own sake.

Back - back where
to Victorian times
and all the fines.
Isn't that why a
justice system
came to be in the
first place.

To defend the fatherless
widow and child.
To defend the poor
against the rich.

What do they do instead
they lock them up
and take their blood.
Who cares while
their paying their fares.

Keep on paying
for that which was
free. When we lived
in caves and travelled
on horseback.

Drinking water from
the wells and streams.
Freedom of Spirit knows -
truth is as close as
your nose.

1 comment:

  1. Sanjay reports on the 'battle of the clans' and last night I posted in the public domain that I felt that my heart was torn apart and the blood was splattered everywhere. I have just seen the news today two youngsters have been 'attacked' by what the police describe as a 'machete' in a pub car park in Gloucester. The county of Prince Charles and his estate.

    In 2007 - I warned our local politician about such things - you can only give them so many warnings of what would come in the future.

    At the beginning of 2014 I issued a teenager alert for the nations and it was posted on this blog.

    Today a 19 year old youth has passed over - and a 22 year old is in a critical condition in hospital. May he be given the will to live and recover.
