
Saturday 24 January 2015

Dr Sanjay Gupta and Medical Cannabis

A heart touching documentary about the children that could be helped medically by the cannabis. I've noticed that there are some interesting developments happening around the world in this respect - including the changing of existing man-made laws. Although it is very important to remember that plant is for medical purposes - it never was meant to be recreational. 

If Christians have an issue with that - then best they read their bibles - and the text where it speaks of the leaves for healing the nations. Cannabis got the name 'Weed' when in fact it isn't a 'weed' at all. 

Hebrews 12 provides an interesting verse to contemplate as far as discipline is concerned. 

'No discipline seems pleasant at the time - but painful. Later on - however - it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those that have been trained by it'. Hebrew 12:11

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