
Friday 23 January 2015


Words that have more than one meaning. If you look at its origins of the word 'mistake' it can mean 'oversight'. Like eating a meal - yet not looking at what you are eating. How many people really comprehend the importance of the contents of their meal. Are they eating healing foods or that which can do the opposite. There is a reason why food from America has been banned in 165 countries and why some Americanisms have been banned in the UK. 

As I've written many times truth is as close as your own noses - as close as the food on your plate. Oversight can also be viewed in a positive context - depending on how much beauty and light that you have in your eyes. 

So is what you did a 'life or death' situation to be concerned about. Why be so concerned when the choice of path to 'life or death' is more important. So examine your priorities and get them in social order of your responsibilities to yourselves - families and community in which you live. For health and well-being impacts on 'life or death' and home is where the heart is. For it is the seat of intelligence proven by science.  

Make peace with yourselves and then you can make peace with others. Service exists - so do the Virgins of wisdom and the grapes. 

Is technology an issue of 'life or death'. As Jesus said 'Do not worry'. 'Do not be afraid'. Did you have laser treatment inside your body - did it save your life. How did you feel about your journey - and what it had co-created to date. Did you appreciate what had been done to help you - did you know how much people really cared for you. 

Is it OK to feel 'remorse' - yes of course it is - and God loves a 'contrite heart'. You know the only time I feel 'remorse' is when a person passes over. A better way to put it would be 'bereaved'. I question myself - could I have done more to help them. How much more could I have done. In that self-questioning - I do more and more next time - magnanimously in the power of love. 

Sometimes that can mean taking a big risk - especially if and when it is a 'life or death' situation. 

Sometimes when the responsibility is on your shoulders - whether that person will live or die. It can be a lot of pressure put upon grace that does its utmost to make a positive intervention to renew life in the person brought for help. 

So we do appreciate the surgeons that do their utmost to prolong life. It is huge responsibility holding a life of another person in your hands. Just as it is a huge responsibility when a woman become pregnant. We now know that relationships impact on what a woman experiences in childbirth. 

Renewing life in a person - breathing the life back into them - so that they can live. What if and when that person refuses to accept that breath and then they die. How does the healer feel. Soon they come to acceptance that we cannot help someone if they do not wish to be helped. However - how does a mother feel if it is her own child. 

We all have the choice to do our best - and reach out to people and fulfill our agreements and commitments in integrity. 

So are you going to judge what a person does and does not do - and the reason for the causes. Do you have the keys to heaven - or do you have the opposite to it. Where do you choose to sit or to stand. 

The phonetic spelling of the word 'mistake' is 'mishgay' so how do you feel about 'gay' people. Are you going to tell those people what Jesus explained about the importance of acceptance or are you going to judge them. Acceptance does not mean that a person has to embrace a situation or a person - what they do or how they do it. 

Acceptance is about the freedom of your soul - a higher reality than the rules of earthly men. Lifestyle impacts on health and well-being - yet free will can determine how people choose to live. The unconscious mind fields also impact upon it. So do you live your life in conscious awareness of your actions and co-creation. Whether that reality is healthy or not. Whether it leads to life or early death - healers know who has brought life and who has upheld life - who has exalted life in the name of God our Creator. 

Tell me this - do your good deeds outweigh everything else in your life - by your fruit you shall be known. The word 'mistake' comes from a root word that is to do with the spiritual law of the cosmos. People have to comprehend the seriousness of the spiritual law that is in your being. As the word also relates to being 'intoxicated'. 

Jesus rebuked his followers when they were 'intoxicated' with him and his love - he expressed the importance of remaining sober due to the sheer importance of the work that his followers have been involved in.

So shall you judge yourselves based upon your 'intoxication' due to whatever impact that's had on you.

Are you going to judge a person that smokes cannabis or drinks to 'kill their pain'. 

Would Jesus judge them for that - would I.

Aren't we supposed to do everything we can to give relief and repose. 

If your car 'swerves' in the rain and the on-coming lorry headlights - who is responsible if you end up in hospital. Because that is what the word means. You were driving slowly - you were sober - it was early evening. Yet - people could have died that evening - just because you were driving in the rain. 

How did the other person feel that was meant to be with me that evening - and then he got found out. 

He knew that I loved him as a Son - and as a brother. My magnanimous love bestowed upon him returned with interest - my patience with him eventually brought a return on investment in him. His talents increased immeasurably once he appreciated wisdom that had been given to him as a gift of life for his career.  

The KEY that he was given. 

Wisdom in the heart of repose.

So what was wisdom doing to help that young man - I did my utmost to get him on the right path for him - so that he could develop his natural talents and abilities. The right track.

He was a born teacher - creative - with lots to give to his younger brothers and sisters. He couldn't see what was staring him in the face - it was right in front of him.

Eventually - his eyes were opened and so were his ears. I never gave up on him - and there was space between us - when I had to let him go - to find out for himself that everything that I had shared with him was truth.

Thank God he had the humility to return to Zion and thank yours truly for the intervention in his life.

For the truth does ring in their ears once it has been heard righteously - in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.

The branch was raised up for David - David was brought the right KEY!

Love was standing by.

So you - did you show people the upright way - did you show them the difference between the path that leads to life - and the path that leads to death. Did you show them the way to live in virtue and the truth that is in perfect alignment with the spiritual law. Did you help your brothers and sisters to find the best virtues that they were born with. How about your children. Were you a moral compass for those that you love and those that you met upon the journey.What KEY do you have.
Do you have the key to the beloved.

So 'OVERSIGHT' is it positive or negative for you.

If you are watching then you have oversight.

If you are given a project then you have oversight of that project.

If you are spiritually aligned you can become an overseer of souls for love is standing by.

The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes that you are given.

So you have a choice on how you choose to view the world.

Do you view the world divinely and see the divine potential of people.

Do you trust God and that there is a divine plan for every single person. IMHV when people align with the will of God they then come to comprehend the multi-dimensional facets of different realities in consciousness.

So can you combine and unite hindsight - insight - and oversight. 

It requires wisdom and the heavenly keys to do so. 

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