
Wednesday 21 January 2015


This sign at Preston train station by Virgin appealed to my sense of humor. Precise timing as it also aligns with astrological configurations. It reminds me of some of the 'kissing' in the dreams received in the last year as well. In one of those dreams the plane had landed and I was waving goodbye to a gay couple and those that were standing behind them. There were many changes that came after that and many people did leave the community - some of which passed over.

There was also a soul arrival situation when the crown of my head was kissed - and that came before the cuddles dream when my crown was kissed again.

The sign says 'No Parking - Kiss and Ride' due to the congestion that the kissing is causing at the station.

I've already provided the fact that the word 'station' has a Persian origin and the Aramaic language was changed prior to the arrival of Jesus. The word 'station' also has the gematria of 154 and ZION is mentioned 154 times in the bible. 154 is also the gematria of the word 'post' and the trains do carry the post to different parts of the UK.

This 'Kiss and Ride' campaign has been published on 20th January - and that is the 'Day of Impulse'. The sign has been put up at the station due to people taking a long time to say their 'goodbyes'. Recently I received an anonymous phone call. It was a text-to-voice message that said 'Goodbye'. 

Now take a look at the planetary configurations and Saturn is in my ascendent sign.  Robert Wilkinson has written about the 'Locomotive' and the shift into the bigger picture.

With Saturn in my ascendent it is further confirmation of the divine plan for my appointment in the UK in 2015 - and I do feel the calling strongly. Saturn is the teacher and it is also about social order.

Making sure that things are the way that they are meant to be - in order of the priorities. Remember the saying 'the first will be last - and the last will be first'. Well the first are last - and so its time to reunite with those that have come last in the divine plan.


Saturn is about the voice of the true heart of conscience and its also about self-discipline. Its about our duty and responsibilities that comes at a price - the pearl of great price cost a lot.

In Ancient Greece Saturn was known as Chronos - hence farming and food is still influential with Saturn due to it being about the seasons. The new food blog continues in 2015. Remember the saying about the harvest and how the workers are few.

A great song from a great British rock band. Genesis and Phil Collins. Enjoy!

The more human side of life is what has to be addressed now - and Saturn is about wisdom gained from worldly experience. Sagittarius is the traveller - so it is about sharing the experience gained from the travels - people and places. Sharing experiences in a different way to a different audience in this new timeline of 2015. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Jupiter is the planet of expansion - as such it relates to spreading ones wings - AVIER.

If you have this placing in your chart - it is described as being like the poet William Blake spending much of your time in the heavenly realms - with philosophy and religious dimensions of life being key elements of your life and fate. So being sent to Israel and being thrown into the global crisis in 2006-7 was really inevitable for this traveller.

Once you've been summoned that's it - the divine plan is active.

There isn't much you can do about it when it is your ascendent - although the north node of your soul journey will also impact upon it. With this year being an 8 year - it also indicates a year of spiritual transformation and I am being told as I write this 'Repose'. So a year of 'Repose' for yours truly and those that have been called. Interesting that the word 'reposar' is to do with the governor due to the SAR. As Prophet Isaiah predicted peace will be your governor and well-being your ruler - the peace of the holy Spirit-its soul and health of the physical that is essential for the children of the world.

'Wisdom reposes in the heart' Proverbs 14:33 And home is where the heart is - my heart is at home.

Wisdom reposar in the heart. 'Divine love is the food that feeds the soul' Sacred Words

As the LORD said 'Menorah'.

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