
Wednesday 21 January 2015


It is written that in Ancient Greek the word 'Kleitoris' literally means "little hill". In its related noun form 'Kleis' it has a second meaning of a 'KEY'. The word 'Clitoris' comes from the Ancient Greek word - and the new testament speaks about the keys to heaven that are given divinely.

Rev 12 mentions the wondrous woman from heaven - and Jesus gave the parable of the Virgins. Although in one of the texts Apostle John was also called a Virgin and it indicates the purity of a person and the purity of intention.

It is clear from the scriptures that Jesus also had feminine help due to it being a woman that gave him the healing oils and massaged his body. His companion Mary was a healer - clairvoyant and aromatherapist as the texts confirm.

His mother also gave him counsel - in the same way that I received  her wise advice - counsel and the meditation of the heart. Another key from heaven for the healing of consciousness.  My mother was a mother of prayers and she would pray a lot in her solitary time - she was also a key with the home cooking of healing foods and fragrance.

Jesus predicted that wisdom with insights would come in the last days of the end times and that this requires a mind of wisdom. He clearly knew about the Jewish prophets and the prophecies about the woman that was destined to come. He even used to say my birth name in Aramaic when he was healing people.

He clearly understood that the branch of righteousness would be raised for David as Jeremiah predicted in the last days. Also in the book of Daniel it mentions the Greek - and yours truly was sent to Greece to give healing and the power of love to a man that was bereaved. It was an awakening for him.

Sometimes a female healer can do what a man cannot do - due to the feminine touch and that is why David had to be given the righteous branch with the right key. In the Jesse fresco in the Vatican you can see him sitting behind me in brown as a spiritual monk. I am wearing pink covering my legs - pink the color of love. A photograph was taken in Israel in 2006 and I am sitting in the same position - that was prior to the fresco being shown to me.

In the photograph I am also wearing bright pink as I was instructed to wear pink for the gathering on the holy hill.

When the Rev 12 timeline began - two men with the name of David were brought into my life. The first man supported yours truly - the other man supported the first woman that is mentioned in Rev 2.

In Rev 2 it is clear that women are also involved. The first woman mentioned in that text was an American and after her husband died she married her sons. e.g. she married people that were students in her community and church. The book of Revelation states that she was asked to remain a widow. ECP as since passed over.

The second person in the text was put on the throne -  biblical prophecy had been fulfilled. In addition to the women that were sent to help yours truly during my life journey - the keys. I was also given hidden manna as the prophecies predicted.

Christians mostly associate the KEY with ELIAKIM the person that has the key. Interesting that there is a photograph of me holding keys at a charity fundraising event prior to leaving for the second mission to Israel. The greater the love that are you - the greater the causes that you are given. In that photograph I am wearing a peach color - another outfit that my mother gifted me.

As I was about to start writing this blog post the LORD said loudly 'Menorah' and he sounded happy - he was speaking in his celebratory sound of his voice.

Its no coincidence that in the recent dream of the 'solitary business man' he spoke of the Truline days and that gave us a timeline of 1989-1990. At that time - I was also working with two more men with the name of David and they had both worked in London in the creative industry where I grew up. Our creative skills and talents - our business backgrounds was our mutual compatibility.

Hence the arch frame in the fresco was surely divine providence - as people put arch frames into buildings and at that time - most of my clients were in the building industry.  The biblical prophecies predicted that wisdom would give the best return on investment - and Jesus was asking his followers to return the talents with interest. So it was - our clients received the best return on their investment in yours truly - and what we had to offer.

However - Jesus was also aware that the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. When I ran my own business we only required a few workers for the harvest. I kept the overheads to a minimum - and preferred to give the financial rewards to the few workers; for the effort that they put into helping it to be a success. We worked all hours day and night - to keep our clients satisfied - and to fulfill our commitments.  It was a wonderful creative journey that was full of confidence - courage and acumen.

Then the day came when integrity was called - a new journey began with spirituality and the spiritual people that were pre-ordained to come into my life. Wisdom was sent into a different realm of being active in the community - this time to bring the expertise and wisdom to spiritual people.

One became a thousand in the hand of wisdom - the professional key was given. The standards were improved and taken much higher - and integrity ensured that righteousness could flourish in the power of love. Making love to life itself in the giving of the self in totality - mind - body and soul. Doing the will of God - each step of the way.

Divinely guided by the Spirit - just as Jesus was divinely guided. In my heart he has great humility to exalt women in the way that he does and did. In my heart he brought a special key - a Jewish woman that was standing by - a woman that would wait for my arrival when I was young. A woman that picked me up when life was doing the opposite - a woman that saw the tears  - and what life had brought.

A spiritual woman that knew what was in my heart - and she always knew when grace was under pressure. An elder who received a healing miracle for everything that she had given from her heart.

She deserved that miracle because love was standing by to deliver it to her - hands on. Just has she had stood by for others in the power of her love - so to the power of love was given to her again - love was standing by.

So it came to be that love was standing by for Israel when the time came - and love was standing by for America and for Greece and for Italy and all the other nations where we have been sent to share the love in our hearts.

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