
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Love and Russia Dream

I went to bed to sleep and as soon as I went off to sleep - I had another dream. I was in a large venue and there was lots of people in it - milling around.

The people on my left were very happy and excited - they were sharing their plans for a happy ending. I did recognize some of the people in the dream.

Just as we were about to leave the venue - I looked across the room and a man was standing there on a higher level due to him standing on a stage - he was looking over to us - he was a solitary figure - and he was wearing a suit and a white shirt.

He was just standing there looking at me - as if he was calling me to come and speak with him.  I told the people on my left that before we leave - I must go and speak to a friend.

So I went over to him - and then we were on a different level dancing in a slow and romantic dance.

He was holding me very close in his arms - as he began to speak softly and intently to me. He began to say how much he loved me - and how he had loved me for years. How he had loved me since 'xxxxxxx days'. The words that he spoke then gave me the timeline of around 1989-1990.

The man that I knew was very serious indeed - like he had reviewed his whole life - and now it was time to tell the truth to the person that he loved. My heart sunk - I was totally taken aback - has I listened to him speak so seriously about the deep love within him. I responded - 'But you are married - and you have children'. We continued dancing and he carried on talking - I continued to listen to what he had to say.

We hugged and then we were sitting down - and he was sitting between my legs. He carried on talking to me - and he began to speak about something that had concerned him. He spoke of presents - and how bags had been given to the Russians. He was really sad about what had been given away.

Then the dream ended - and I realized that Russia and the bags was a very important message of the dream combined with the fact - that we were in an entertainment venue.

In dream interpretation - bags can be about finances - business  - they can also be an auspicious omen for your dearest wishes. However - we have to take everything in the dream into account - as it included relationships and love lives. A solitary man that stood outside of the group - that eventually told the truth after all of these years. He simply had to disclose what was in his heart to the woman that he loved.

Dreams of sincere love can forecast happiness and contentment through a healthy and intelligent adjustment to the conditions of life.

Disclosure of truth to another person is also very much about where people are currently in their lives - as each and every person reviews their lives - and what they're going to do with the rest of their lives.

How they wish to live those lives and who with. It indicates that the shift of the ages is impacting upon nations and cultures - especially Europe - as the people in the dream were Europeans.

Europeans truly coming to appreciate what they've done with their lives - and the reasons that they chose what they did. How they wish to change their lives - due to their hindsight - and what they find themselves faced with in their homes - communities and historical cultures.

If anything can be gained from this dream - then it is showing us that people have to live the truth - even if that means being a 'solitary figure' outside of the group. They have to live in integrity - they simply cannot live with themselves otherwise.

The solitary figures know who they really love in their hearts - and he waited for the right moment to share it. Right after the group had shared their plan about what they were going to do. Then the intervention came - and it changed the outcome of the dream - the woman did not leave with the group that made their plans.

As such - it is sure to impact on what happens in the foreseeable future. Bear in mind that we were in a music venue and dancing - and that could indicate a serious event to come. A location where couples meet and go. Large venues with large groups. His intentions were very serious - and this dream is also serious - and about a very serious situation. A man that I've have known for many years. Over two decades.

It also indicates that those that thought that they had it all planned out - things will not go to their plan. That is also indicated in the biblical prophecies. This dream indicates that 'solitary man' will make an intervention due to a spiritual woman - and it is very likely to happen prior to the election in the UK on the 7th May.

It looks like there is going to be an important disclosure - and in the dream the man was sitting between the legs of a woman. Legs are about direction and where 'solitary man' wishes to be in the power of love and light. This is not just about the future of man - this is about the future of the children and their spiritual development.

The dream was also about men being true and honest about their feelings for others - due to the importance of the timeline. One might ask why didn't he make his move prior to getting married - that is what he has had to come to terms with. Bags can indicate opportunities - and the opportunities that have been given to others due to what bags can contain.

The soul of man is crying out for a spiritual and real love resolution - that can only be brought to him by a spiritual woman that he loves. British man requires the spiritual sustenance and spiritual love that the nation requires. The dream was about the conscience of the British businessman that lives outside of group activities and involvements. It was about living in integrity and knowing in his heart that he must speak the truth to the person that is willing to listen and understand where he is coming from.

Interesting in a biblical sense that Jesus also went to a solitary place to pray - and the businessman was in a solitary position that had a bigger view of reality than the group on the left and their plans. He knew what had been delivered and when.

I pondered on handbags and if there was ever a time in my life when I gave handbags to people as presents. Russia was what he was concerned about. That reminds me of 'From Russia with Love' and I'm also feeling Valentines Day with this dream. Valentines Day is the Day after my birthday in February.


  1. Russia is in the news over the gas - and the BBC also had this to report.

    Almost one million voters are "missing" from the electoral register in England and Wales, Ed Miliband is to say.

    Did the politicians get the message yet!

  2. In the dream the 'solitary business man' mentioned the bags that had been given to the Russians as presents. This woman was educated at Cambridge and has an interesting history prior to starting her bags-to-riches story. Julie Deane and Chicago.

    Then if you look at else at what has happened - this Christmas gone the Daily Mail were promoting people going to Russia to do their Christmas shopping. Whatever next! Buy British I say - support the British economy.

    In the dream the man also gave a timeline when it began - and it just happens to coincide with when Maggie Thatcher was ousted by her own minister due to her saying - No - No - No to a federal Europe. Hence the plans for a Federal Europe must have been integral with Russia at that point in time.

    Now read the last few paragraphs of this article about the Federal Europe - Russia and China involved in it.

  3. Russian Bear Planes are flying again on the borders of Dorset and British airspace; its the second time in two weeks that British jets have had to see off the Russians:
