
Wednesday 14 January 2015

Coconut Dream

I had another dream and I was in my own locality - I walked into a health food shop and a lady that I know was there behind the counter. It is a small shop and there were a few people in the shop. The shop is filled with wonderful health remedies - and I had gone to the shop to get some more coconut.

The woman behind the counter came to talk to and we discussed the different coconut options. She was joyful and happy as we discussed what the shop was offering. She is a very spiritual woman - and has known me for many years. The woman was very active spiritually when I first met her - and the heart connection is certainly with her.

The was a large range of coconut options and I made a decision to purchase two different types. I spent 20 pounds in the shop - and the coconut was for cleaning my teeth - cooking and drinking. Two different consistencies of coconut for different purposes. I've written on this blog and the other blogs - the importance of coconut and what it has to offer for health and healing - it is being hailed the miracle cure by at least one doctor. However - it can be expensive - although there is a large range to choose from.

As I left the shop in the dream - I was just walking - as the dream ended - after being at the health food shop.

There is a spiritual significance to coconut and we can find it mentioned in spirituality. In Sanscrit it is 'nalikera' and it can be found in the spiritual philosophy and practices of India. Coconut is an offering to a 'god' or 'goddess'.

It is written that new activity began with the breaking of a coconut to ensure the blessings and a successful completion. Most often associated with Lakshmi. Hence it was divine providence that a coconut painting was given to a woman that was brought to me for healing in 2012. A divine inspiration.

If I review my life coconuts always came into my life prior to a new beginning - and in some Indian weddings the coconut is viewed as the womb of a woman. The flowers of the coconut being auspicious symbology in Buddhism as well - as such to be given such a dream is also auspicious in a spiritual and healthy reality.

In England the coconut is mostly associated with the fairground and the 'Coconut Shy'.

Interesting that in Hawaii - it is the only location where the coconut grows without irrigation - and we used to have a cocktail bar with a name that came from Hawaii.

In the dream two women were prominent - two spiritual women and the coconut. The woman in the dream actually comes from New Zealand - a Kiwi - and my son used to love those when he was a child. Truly the soul of the child was giving a positive sign to his mother - in respect of her spirituality and where she was going with it. No surprise then that later in life my son and I went to Australia together.

The numeric of 20 in the dream is also interesting as it can relate to years. It is around 20 years ago that I first met the woman that appeared in the coconut dream. She is written in my book of life - and those that are written in my book of life often appear in my dreams for different reasons. They can often be symbolic of what is happening in a larger perspective on the planet. Hence many of my friends and colleagues have become symbolic - to assist with the interpretation of the dreams that can be an inspiration to those that receive them and or comprehend them.

Again the dream confirms that we are on track with the spirituality - and the foods for healing purposes in the integrity of who we have been - who we are - and where we are going.

When I woke up from the dream I pondered upon it and its meaning - after that I could smell 'Caleche' a Hermes fragrance. A fragrance that I introduced to my mother after it had been gifted to me.

As we know Hermes is the messenger and the message has been received. To receive a fragrance - to smell it - can indicate the prayers of the saints and I do know that many people pray for me - just as my mother did. Mum was definitely a praying mum - and in her solitary time - she prayed a lot.

Hermes is a French fragrance - and mum and I wore it in the winter time -  it has a very warm and cosy feel to it. Like being wrapped up in a cosy bed - very comforting and peaceful. That is where I was when I was given the fragrance - all wrapped up - lovely and cosy being given the sweet wood smell.

As the Son of Light had made the bed for his mum - you can be sure it has been a success and he is now a man that is motivated by compassionate action and the power of love in its mercy. He even offered to run a bath for me.

The fragrance that I could smell was being placed all over my forehead and around my face - just as I had done for mum prior to her passing over to a different reality. So that she could smell the beauty of the fragrance of Christian Dior as she passed over in the summer time when she wore it.

Mum had lots of cookery books and she liked the power of food. Late in life - she also made lots of soups and stews due to it being economic to do so. She was frugal when it was a necessity to be so - and she passed that onto her children.

The 14th January is the 'Day of Integration' and I have posted a link to this dream on our new food blog for 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I've just checked the news and India and the coconut industry are in the news today.
