
Thursday 15 January 2015

HERMES and Wood Chip Fire

When I woke up from the dream today - I pondered upon it and its meaning - after that I could smell 'Caleche' a Hermes fragrance. A fragrance that I introduced to my mother after it had been gifted to me.

As we know Hermes is the messenger and the message has been received. To receive a fragrance - to smell it - can indicate the prayers of the saints and I do know that many people pray for me - just as my mother did. Mum was definitely a praying mum - and in her solitary time - she prayed a lot.

Hermes is a French company - and mum and I wore it in the winter time -  it has a very warm and cosy feel to it. Like being wrapped up in a cosy bed - very comforting and peaceful. That is where I was when I was given the fragrance - all wrapped up - lovely and cosy being given the sweet wood scent.

As the Son of Light had made the bed for his mum - you can be sure it has been a success and he is now a man that is motivated by compassionate action and the power of love in its mercy. He even offered to run a bath for me. Bless him - I'm sure that mum does.

The fragrance that I could smell was being placed all over my forehead and around my face - just as I had done for mum prior to her passing over to a different reality. So that she could smell the beauty of the fragrance of Christian Dior as she passed over in the summer time when she wore it.

Mum had lots of cookery books and she liked the power of food. Late in life - she also made lots of soups and stews due to it being economic to do so. She was frugal when it was a necessity to be so - and she passed that onto her children.

The LORD spoke to me about a woman that reads what I write - and he shared with me what she was doing. I looked to see what the word meant and his word about her made sense. I appreciate his ever loving support of the reality that I am that he created - and his counsel that continues about the American woman that has stood against the woman that the LORD sent.


Then when I looked at the news there had been a massive fire at a Southampton Dock - and all of the wood chip was on fire. Interesting that mum had wood chip in her garden. So do you think that the wood chip fire has anything to do with the Hermes prophecies and the messenger - or do you think that the fire at Southampton has something to do with what has happened in France recently. 

The connection between the sweet wood French scent today - combined with the HERMES messenger - and the fact that there was a huge fire would indicate that prophets certainly have something to do with it. In France they're also printing a new issue - with a new cartoon on the cover and they plan to print 3 million copies. 

Hermes = mercury and David mentioned in Psalm 89 was a Gemini. He also spoke at Southampton.

Mercury is also to do with communication and the wondrous woman from heaven sure does have the moon under her feet. It was no coincidence that it was my destiny to work in communications - in many different fields - it was all part of the divine plan. Such a great treasure being able to communicate with the divine.


Thursday - 15th January 2015

My Son of Light brought home some French croissants and the smell of croissants is the signature of Elizabeth Taylor. After that I saw the news about what they say has happened in Belgium - and I did write about the Belgium chocolate recently. A batch of Belgium chocolate had to be removed from the stores in the midlands.

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