
Tuesday 13 January 2015


The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes that you are given. The more that people heal - the more your true purpose for being is revealed to you.

I'm sure I've written about the importance of self-disclosure before. However - it is coming up again - so let us do it again and again until the people get it. The best of our memories enrich your lives and the lives of others. That is what true self-disclosure is all about - the enrichment of others. Putting the health and healing before yourself.

In true self-disclosure you can share aspects of the parable of your life story - and its insights to help others to find their own truth within what you are sharing. As such the people are enriched with the treasure that they then find within themselves. When two dance the dance of the Lord together - there he is with us in the healing process to empower those that are being empowered. Sometimes we have to show people the steps - and in self-disclosure people learn the right way to go - its all positive.

That is what provided the stunning results in the community with the meek - with the light of the power of love that shines as the sun. The methodology included the power of self-disclosure and it was dauntlessly delivered to those that had the ears to hear - the eyes to see and the hearts to embrace.

They became awesome lights of love to empower their community after the new empowerment model had been integrated. They had found their way home to holiness. In the tears that we did share - in the laugh that we did enjoy - in the hearts that we did embrace and the bodies that we did hug sincerely.

In self-disclosure we give our hearts - so that those hearts can be explored and shared. When people are given a true heart - a majority then choose to be true and to bring forth the truth from within. When people are given a heart of integrity - a majority then live in integrity - for how can they live any other way once they have experienced it and honored it. When people are given a sanctuary of peace - a majority then choose to sanctify their own sanctuary.

For they saw with their own eyes the power of self-disclosure - and how empowering it was. True freedom of the Spirit. They also saw what the power of light does when it is stands still in a room - and how others respond to the light of integrity.


They saw what happened when those that had received the power of the light of love sent to help them - and how people responded to the healing hands of love that was laid upon them.

Love soars on the divine plane of existence. Those in the earth were raised up to heavenly states of being. Remember the power of salvation at the gates of Zion - remember the self-preservation - the healing miracles and the extending of life and improvement of health.

Remember your effort and how your effort helped others and still does. Remember the light of love that is soaring on the planet - you were involved in it. You put the effort into it - you deserved the help that was sent to help you.

So rejoice with me - for all that you have been blessed to receive - for all the weekend retreats - for all the healing soups and delicious foods. For all those crystal hearts - for all those that stood in the fire of love with and said 'YES' we did it - we reached our goal.

Whatever we do - we do it to the best of our ability. We also stretched our abilities - we went that extra mile every time we were challenged - we went further and further - an amazing repertoire. An incredible symphony of creation - that makes a great work of artistic merit beautiful - in every sense of the word.

When you see the beauty of others blossom - you just have to let them grow naturally after the seeds have been given. Sometimes you have to be willing to let go. They know what to do with the seeds from heaven - they know what to do with their hearts - share them and share them with everyone - to help others to know the power of love and its mercy - compassionate action and grace.

They know what to do with the treasure in their hearts - share it and enlighten others with it.

Why did some wish to silence that which had been hidden - and was now being disclosed again - the truth shall set them free.

Jesus responded 'The fruit of your labour of your magnanimous love'.

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