
Saturday 13 December 2014


Following on from the 'Peppermint and Lemon Sjogrens' post. Yesterday - the doctor confirmed again the blood test was fine - so he is not concerned about the symptoms that I have been experiencing. Due to various mouth conditions that people are experiencing in this timeline - I am looking at the 'Salivary Glands' due to the salivary impacting teeth and the mouth.

The 'Salivary Glands' are very important due to the production of saliva that keeps the mouth and digestive system moist. 'John Hopkins researchers have discovered that a single protein regulates secretion levels in the fruit fly's salivary gland its skin-like outer layer.'  Do you remember when I had all those fruit flies arriving. Fruit Fly research.

'Curiosity brought Andrew and Elliott Abrams, then a graduate student, to focus on secretion in the salivary gland, the largest glandular organ in the fruit fly embryo, approximately six years ago. In humans and in fruit flies, the gland secretes saliva, a fluid containing water, mucus, electrolytes, and food-dissolving enzymes, into the mouth, and is important to the digestive system.
In their new experiments, the researchers looked at the expression of 34 secretory genes in a normal fruit fly embryo to see which genes were turned on when. All 34 genes were expressed at high levels in the early salivary gland, they found. According to Andrew, “This suggests the salivary gland becomes programmed for secretion because all the components required to allow secretion to occur are ‘turned on’ very early in development.”

That research was from 2005. 
Then in 2011 Science Daily featured more research - 'Mechanism in saliva production discovered'. 

'The scientific discovery could form the basis for advanced therapies for patients whose salivary glands are damaged or no longer function due to radiation therapy, prescription drugs or Sjogren's Syndrome -- an immune system disorder often defined by its two most common symptoms -- dry eyes and a dry mouth.

The salivary glands are essential for lubrication, defense and beginning digestion in the mouth. The largest of the salivary glands -- the parotid -- secretes important proteins into the saliva. As with all salivary glands, it has multiple secretion pathways, therefore it must sort proteins destined for saliva into the correct pathway for secretion. This can be tricky as there are seven possible pathways. One pathway takes proteins to the salivary duct, other pathways carry different proteins to the 'back' side of the cell to be secreted into the blood or to form a supportive matrix for the cells'. 

What impact does mouth X-rays have upon the salivary glands.

X-Ray Induced damage to salivary glands.

Today's recipe will be fresh celery and coconut milk soup. The miracle healing food.  


What fruit am I having today - juicy lychees. They're the shape of the flower that I saw in the feminine healing hands while bathing yesterday.

I am continuing to take the glycerin. I also have some artichoke heads as well. 

In the man's hands there were pink petals being given - so I have strawberry and banana smoothie. Banana for the potassium. 

More information about the importance of the 'artichoke'.

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