
Friday 12 December 2014

Maltese Cross Healing Visions

I have an appointment today and while bathing I was told that what has happened is to do with 'change'. 

While bathing I massaged the peppermint massage oil and fresh lemon into the top half my body.

While massaging I was shown a vision of a Maltese cross with eight sharp points to it.

The cross of St John often associated with nurses and those that are involved in first aid. A friend told me a lovely story the other day of how her daughter had saved a child's life at school. It was due to the fact that she had done a first aid training course - that she knew what to do.

The eight points of the cross apparently represent the following:

Observant - Tactful - Resourceful - Dextrous - Explicit - Discriminating - Persevering - Sympathetic.

It is the insignia of the Order of Saint Lazarus and the state emblem of Queensland- Australia. In some countries it is the 'Order of Merit'. The order of merit given.

After that I saw a blue flower from this 'New Era' painting.

The flower was being held in feminine hands.

This flower always reminds me of artichokes - so I shall buy some today.

The symbology of the Peony flower is light - glory - love and good fortune in Chinese symbology.

Springtime - youth and happiness. It is the imperial flower and it is often associated with the peacock.

In Greek symbology it is healing -  in Japan it is marriage - fertility and Spring.

Peppermint is very strong so only a few drops - and pregnant women must not use peppermint.

So take it very gently when using the aromatherapy oils.

I did put some massage oil on my feet and legs after the bath - then laid down to rest after the hot bath.

After a hot bath the pores of the skin are open - and the healing can be deeper and much more intense.

Then while I was giving myself healing - I was given another vision of large hands - a man's hands and they were filled with pink petals -  rose petals.

After that I could feel the healing energy going into my left foot - and the left foot was responding to it.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that after the appointment with the doctor - I was invited to a friends house - and there I met a retired nurse. The Maltese Cross. I always enjoy meeting retired nurses - they're so awake and interesting to talk to.
