
Saturday 13 December 2014


Support the firefighters campaign. If the people don't support the firemen that defend your communities who will. So Russell Brand is giving the fire fighters his support. Its an informative video about how the firemen feel about the various changes that are impacting on them - and in turn on public services.

The men are being asked to stay on as fireman to the age of 60. Extending their careers - increasing the amount they have to put into their pensions by making the men work for a longer period of time.

One of the points being made is how physically fit firemen have to be to do the job that they do. Two-thirds of the firemen over 50-55 are not fit enough to fight fires. Another point that should be made is that the longer that the firemen stay on - the less opportunities there are for the 20 year olds to enter the service. Public service of fighting fires is an essential service - and should have the fittest men that are willing to do it.

Last week I had a painting come and America was on fire - so you can be sure that the firefighters in America are having to defend their corner as well. In fact this is probably happening across Europe with the firemen.

It reminds me when Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire. I did once know some people that were firemen and those guys were very fit! So let's unlock the firemen defenders - go guys - go. 


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