
Monday 29 December 2014

Merlin Ferry and Greece

Seven days poem. Written on the 22nd December 2014. 

'Some were buried - some were ferried and some found universal love'.

Bryan Ferry named one of his Son's MERLIN and he has been involved in a serious car crash. 

May he make a speedy recovery.

After that there was the Greek ferry disaster. 

While reading about it I could smell medicals like being in a chemist. 

Chemist = pharmaceuticals. 

What did I find in Greece containers with the word CHINA on them. 

The streets of Athens filled with oriental children selling Chinese products. 

Child labor.

What did I find in the internet cafe.

People from Islamic countries waiting for new European paperwork - passports and identities. 

What did I find on the train station. Greek clerics dripping in gold around their necks. Its a wonder they could walk with the weight of it. 

What did I find in the cafes and bars. Innocent Greeks that had no idea what was going on in the rest of Europe. Their eyes were opened wider and wider - the more that I spoke and shared truth with the people. As the LORD said 'They must hear your voice'. 

They shared how 50% of their tourism had been cut since joining the EU and its euro.

Churches were empty - and some had gates locked.

What did you have to say about that Bryan Ferry. Did you sing about that Ferry.

On my return I saw films of women giving their children to charity - they couldn't afford to feed them.

Then there was the news of the disabled children kept in cages. 

Did it touch your heart. 

How did you feel about it Greece - how about you Bryan Ferry. 

Is your love strong enough to defend the children and their rights.

The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes. 

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