
Tuesday 30 December 2014

MONICA Message

I was cooking some supper and the heavenly Father spoke softly 'Monica'. That is the way it sounded.

However - the word can also be spelt 'Monika'. Monika is a variation of Monica and it is written that it stems from the word 'advisor' in Latin and 'unique' in Greek.

Monika was a patron saint of women and mothers.

I was making and kneading dough when he spoke. He often speaks to me when I am in the kitchen cooking.

Small nan type flat breads made with butter and some palm oil and I often make recipes that are unique. I like to be inventive and creative and cooking is therapeutic.

Monica is the name of a grape. A cyclone - a rocket - and locations in America. It was also a song sung by the Kinks on their 1968 album. 'The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society'.

Saint Monica was also known as Monica of Hippo and she was the mother of St Augustine of Hippo.

It is written that she had outstanding Christian virtues and that she weeped every night for her son Augustine. Monica was a woman who had suffered due to her partner - and it is written that a bishop shared with her the following:

'The child of those tears shall never perish'.

"In his book Confessions, Augustine wrote of a peculiar practice of his mother in which she "brought to certain oratories, erected in the memory of the saints, offerings of porridge, bread, water and wine."

Interesting that I cried tears when I was in St Augustine in America and a film was made in 2012 called 'Restless Heart' about the confessions of Augustine.

The impact of a mothers tears - the impact of a mothers food - the impact of a mothers deeds.

The porridge - the bread - the water and the wine. The virtues of a mother in what she provides.

Augustine wrote that she “brought me to birth both in her body so that I was born into the light of time, and in her heart so that I was born into the light of eternity” (9,17).


After the little round nan type breads where made - my son was inspired and offered different creative ideas for what could be added to these little round breads. The herbs - the garlic - coconut - almonds - sultanas.

It gave me the opportunity to mention how Jesus had spoken of 60lbs of flour as being heavenly.

We then discussed the weight of a pound of sugar - and how much a bag of flour weighs. He spoke of how 60 pounds is lot of flour. I smiled and asked him how long he thought it would last if all the shops  were closed - and there were no deliveries for three months. He then went away with his bread and chicken sate to ponder upon it. It is my way of encouraging him to start thinking about survival.

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