
Monday 29 December 2014

Greek Ferry - The Chemist

On the 16th December 2014 - I wrote about Greece and Italy due to 'waterer' prophecy.

The Greek ferry - remember the Seven Days poem and the message about the shore.

22nd December 2014 - the Seven days poem 'Some were buried - some were ferried - and some found universal love'.

Yesterday while I was reading about the Greek ferry disaster - I could smell medicals as you smell them in a chemist. Chemists reminds me of the Maltese Cross vision received. Chemists also remind me of pharmaceuticals.

In recent days I posted about Greece - Cinderella and the golden shoes. I will always remember when I saw the photographs of Princess Diana walking on the Greek Island of Hydra. It brought so much back to my remembrance of the honeymoon. 

The report said that their shoes were on fire on that Greek ferry. The ferry was on its way to Ancona in Italy - historically people went to Italy to buy leather shoes. However when I was invited to Italy - it was to share past lives and experience a beautiful farm where we ran a Reiki Masters training course near Assisi. 

Italy is the most ecological land in Europe - due to their farmers honoring the importance of growing food in an organic way.

The golden shoes only cost ten euros and what did we find in Greece. At the ports there were large containers with China upon them. On the streets of Athens there were oriental children selling products made in China. In the internet cafes there were people from Islamic countries waiting for new papers - passports and European identities. 

Oh Greece what did you do. Where were the rich Greeks to rescue you from what was coming. What did I find on the train station in Greece - priests covered in gold. What did I find in the Churches in Greece - they were empty and some had their gates locked.

What else did I see in the pictures of Greece - disabled children in cages and mothers giving their children to charity because they couldn't afford to feed their children. 

Is it any wonder that the LORD sent yours truly to you - as mentioned in the book of Daniel. The Greeks thought that they were the only country being invaded. Their eyes opened larger and larger - the more that I shared with them about Europe.

50% of Greek tourism ceased after the Greeks joined the EU and its euro. Greece is being urged to leave the EU. We are coming for you Merkel.

My feet were sore from walking - my back was aching. I carried on in serious pain - and my tears wept upon them for the Greek nation to purify those that saw my tears. 

I kept on doing the will of the LORD God and speaking his word relentlessly. A river that simply poured out its unfailing stream of love from the mountain of Zion. For love as a reason for being - and it compels compassionate action to help the nations.

On the 2nd April 2009 - God gave me a vision of Obama as a 'monkey' - Now North Korea says that Obama is a 'Reckless monkey'. God also spoke of the 'Tenner' at that time.

Yea a tenner of euros. Are you supporting the euro Greece and the EU parliament. What else happened with the ferry over Christmas. The son of Bryan Ferry was involved in a serious car crash - the name of his son - Merlin. May he have a speedy recovery from the crash. 

Now there is another plane missing - Air Asia and that Sparrow said to turnaround and he flew East.

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