
Sunday 21 December 2014

Lordship of Schuf - Teutonic Knights

I kept trying to respond to a thread about Islamic prophecies and every time I tried to respond to it I wasn't able to do so. The message coming up kept saying 'you are not logged in'. Then I discovered that the thread had been moved to a sub-forum.

As I looked at the list of threads on the sub-forum the LORD spoke and he said 'SCHUF' in his annoyed manner.

I found the word 'Schuf' in German and it can be found in Genesis 1:1. However - there was also the Lordship of Schuf. Source link shares with us that the 'Schuf was created out of the Lordship of Sidon as a vassal around 1170. It was centred on the Cave of Tyron. Julian Sidon sold it to the Teutonic Knights in 1256'.

In the 13th century the following names are listed: Andrew of Schuf - John of Schuf and Julian of Sidon.

Its written that the Lordship was a coastal strip on the Mediterranean Sea between Tyre and Beirut.

I asked the LORD why are you annoyed - he replied 'They're pissing about'.

Then I looked to see if there was anything written about the locations and this message came up. A message to Sidon and it was posted on the 17th November 2014. However - most of the people on that sub-forum are Americans. 'The Sidonians oppressed Israel.'  Judges 10:12.

Elijah delivered miracles in Sidon.

The word Schuf can also be found in
the translation of Proverbs 8.22

The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works before his deeds of old'

Proverbs 8 - Wisdom's Call

'For those that find me find life. and receive favor from the LORD'. Proverbs 8:35

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