
Friday 19 December 2014


A person asked 'What does it mean when you have a strong long for something but you have no idea what it is. It's not money or a possession of any kind. not love - not a job or career - or anything of the sort. Just kind of hanging in limbo'. Nothing Yet.

When the human self is aimless - the soul longs to be free from the humanness so that it can get on with the reason why it incarnated. The soul knows that it has a reason for being. It is also the souls longing for you to return to that which is sacred within you. When you find the steps within you - then you can step up. If the time comes for you to step down to help your brothers and sisters to find the steps - then you know you can always climb up again. Remember to shout it from the rooftops.

So how many aimless people do you know in your community where you live or in your social networks. What word or action could make them think about the reality that they find themselves in.

It is often the case that when parents are aimless so too children become aimless. Children learn what they live.

If children live with divineness they can often become aimless due to being peaceful and satisfied in the energy of their parents divineness and peacefulness. However if the parent or parents are doing their job properly - they cease the opportunity when it arrives - for the soul of the child to express its will to the humanness of the child. It can be like when a child sees his hand for the first time and much is written in the palms of your hands. I have often written that truth is as close as your nose - as close as the food on the plate before you. Your right hand is a map of your life -  and it can show you the different paths and directions.

So shall we unlock aimlessness - it feels appropriate to do so. Let it be a divine aim for the children of the world to make a breakthrough. For the true law brings freedom to humanity. The aim of the divine plan is embedded in the spiritual law for each and every person - and the law of the science of being is in your heart and soul of it. In my experience it is only in the heart that the soul can unite with the Spirit.

When the soul and the Spirit are united then a new world opens up to you - and you see things that you never saw before. You can have a panoramic view and experience many different spiritual realities that are beautiful and truly divine. The power of love and the heat of it washes over you and when your heart is true. Integrity is essential for the fish to live on the planet to be healthy food to eat - balance is essential for the elephants to keep their habitat and live naturally as our Creator intended.

If humanity are to live in harmony with the planet - then humanity must live in harmony with itself and each other. I was reading the other day how 80000 British students are unable to train to become a nurse - due to the cost of training the nurses and there is only 20000 places available every year in the UK.

Yet the politicians are still allowing the employment of immigrants to fill the jobs of British nurses. When even trained nurses returning to work after maternity leave cannot find a job in their local community. It is written that they can employ three trained immigrants for the price of training one British student.

Then they wonder why British youth are often aimless. So why did training British students to become nurses become so expensive. The academics changed the system and insisted upon all nurses having a degree. When historically - nurses were given apprenticeships and they were trained on the job. This was beneficial in many ways. Real nursing practice and real experience.

Students were able to spend a year in nursing as an apprentice and that allowed them the opportunity to discover if that really was the career for them. Those that didn't reach their grades then left to pursue a different career. Those that were really committed to nursing and all that it entails carried on with their training.

It ensured that nurses that met the high standards of the British nursing profession were in nursing for all of the right reasons. In my humble view the British nurses carried the NHS for over 50 years and it is time that those angels of compassion and mercy are rewarded accordingly.

I say bring back the matron to British hospitals and return to apprenticeships giving the nurses a degree on completion of their nursing training. After all - they've earned it! The quality of British nurses and the standard that it attracted was when Britain was great. All the NHS required was the appropriate funding and allowing the nurses to have a lot more say and intervention in the running of the hospital.

The management of a hospital should always be in the hands of a woman - who tends for it like the baby that she delivers. As the mother breast feeds her child and nurtures it. The NHS began with charity due to the compassion of those that were charitable and merciful. So where is it now - the NHS is aimless - so let's unlock it.

The soul of the NHS is like a precious flower that can be crushed easily due to what man in his humanness has done to it. That is why morale is where it is in the NHS - it is about charity and all those lands and properties that were given charitably - that they sell off to property developers without the consent of the people. Politicians have broken the covenants with the people - and those great souls that gave in their divineness of the giving of the spiritual law.

The British communists are claiming that Stalin was the inspiration for the NHS - when did anyone teach the children about the woman of mixed color that was a pioneer of the NHS.

When did we hear about MARY SEACOLE and her healing work with tropical diseases.

When we were children why were we not told about Mary Seacole the woman of mixed color with Caribbean-Scottish descent that opened a healing hotel to nurse men from the Crimean war.

When will the men of this country tell the children the truth.

That a woman greater and more divinely powerful than Florence Nightingale did her utmost to help the injured men of this nation.

When will this nation honor those that truly should be honored.

When will the healers of our nation be honored for their righteousness.

See an ex- medical doctor created pie charts for my Sure Start research report - just like Nightingale was the pie chart maker.

However - how many pie charts saved a life. I did not require any pie charts to save a life or help a child to make a breakthrough. I did not require any pie charts to help the widows son.

What I implemented was a combination of magnanimous love healing therapies - self-development methodology that included healing foods. No surprise then that Mary Seacole also worked with vibrational medicine and healing foods when nursing people back to life. I have more in common with Mary Seacole than any medical professional that I've ever met.

It was intense and 24-7.

That then reminds me of the recent healing hotel dream with Teresa and Michael.

Yea - my house - a healing hotel - people coming and going all hours of the night and day.

Exactly as the prophecy predicted - funny that - when it began an ex-nurse came knocking on my door and the clairvoyant began leaving presents on my doorstep.

Healing hotels - I like that. See that's what Jesus had as well. Jesus didn't have a house he had a healing hotel in his spiritual community and we always had a bowl of fruit on the table - so that the children could help themselves.

However - I brought up my son in a well mannered way to ensure that he had the best of manners wherever he went. So he always used to ask - 'Mummy may I have'. He loved his large bowl of fruit that I bought for him every week - and he still likes fruit very much. People always comment on how well mannered and polite he is when they meet him. As the sister in the maternity ward said 'A child is only as good as its mother'.

What fruit are you eating today - I am eating white grapes - how about you.

I do like sultanas and have eaten them throughout my life. Sultanas are the fruit that can be kept for 15 months. I carried sultanas to Israel with me - and the sultanas were with the sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Sultanas are excellent for boosting your energy levels and also for the large intestine. Although in the healing community the grapes are more well known for a good physical detox and detoxifying.

Amazing then that it was divine providence for me to carry those sultanas and seeds when I walked the land of Israel in May 2006.

So shall we give lots of sultanas and seeds to the medical profession - for surely it does require a good detox and to be revitalized with the energy of the fruit of lovingkindness - compassion - mercy and charity again.

What else am I eating - last night I made a celery-swede and coconut cream soup.

See Mary Seacole would like that.

Food and nutrition is in the forefront as a major factor of the recovery of the health of the people.

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