
Sunday 21 December 2014


I went to look at the news and the LORD said 'Hanukkah'. In the Gospel of John it is the 'Feast of Dedication'. In Greek the term means 'the renewals'. Josephus refers to the festival as 'lights' and I had just turned the light on prior to the LORD speaking.

In 2014 it began on December 16 and continues until the 24 December.

The Hanukah lamp found in Jerusalem.

So what of this Hanukkah for yours truly - first we had the salmon - artichokes and braised celery for the salvia glands due to a dry mouth. I must say there has been a vast improvement since having the artichokes - celery and sultanas etc. Today the LORD is asking for 'Capons' and they're also excellent for teeth.

After that Robin Hood of the British Panorama team shot the Apple of technology due to 'child slavery' and I shared that I first spoke about 'child slavery' at school when I was just 12 years old.

The Son of Joseph coached his child to give an address and debate on it in class. It was for a school project in Victoria and we could choose our subject matter. My choice was the London 'Match Girls' and we unlocked their past lives.

We've been unlocking the 'Victoria era' - 'Match Girls' - 'Old Pine' -  'the NHS and its Aimlessness'. We've been sharing the dreams and how they manifested including the Cafe dream and Cinderella.

Then we had the celery-swede and coconut cream soup. Giving a light to the life and work of Mary Seacole - dedicating the soup to her. After that there was news of events in Sweden.

We gave blessings to Syria for having a change of heart this year. It was predicted by Prophet Ezra that there would be a change in attitude. Seven years of the unleavened bread came to its conclusion - completion and fulfillment.

Seven years in the CT community and Nostradamus predicted that I would return victoriously. Prophet Isaiah also provided us with advance warning that not everything is a conspiracy.

Last night we had dough balls. Some of the dough balls had feta cheese inside them - others had sultanas. Greek feta cheese and I discovered that the sultanas came from China. Do you remember the Chinese trucks that I found in Greece at an Athens port. Are Chinese trucks in every country - yea we saw how the communists in London were telling people that the National Health Care system in the UK was inspired by Stalin - I don't think so!

Sultanas - the white grapes - the white wine spoken of by Rumi in respect of the mystics. White grapes spoken of by the healers for detoxing and detoxifying. Sultanas the great energy booster and a brilliant replacement for sweets for children.

Today we have to get some more flour and oil - Elijah and Jesus spoke of the importance of the flour and oil for the feminine and Jesus also spoke of it in the context of being heavenly and divine - with the numeric of 60 in the spiritual law of giving.

We have provided a new blog - a food blog for the health - healing and renewal of the nations  Kneading bread - healing bread - the bread of the presence and its fruit. The blog is ready for 2015.


We have lit candles of light for Mary Seacole from the era of the Crimean war. An incredible healer whose mother ran a healing hotel in Jamaica. A free woman of mixed heritage - with both Jamaican and Scottish heritage. A woman that did her utmost to help men at the frontline of the war - and she could definitely ride a horse. As a child she practiced her healing skills on animals prior to becoming a nursing doctor that she was.

No surprise then that in Reiki we teach our students how to heal animals - and how to heal and purify the food that we eat.

After all her hard work during her life to help others - after returning from the war - Mary found herself in the position of poverty. As I have written - I have more in common with Mary than any medical doctor that I've ever met. However - the veterans came to her aid - when they heard of her poverty - and 80000 celebrated her life in London with a 1000 cheers for Mary.

She predicted that 'when doom came' - men would no longer speak of Florence Nightingale. I wondered whether she was referring to the 'nuclear disaster' in Russia that happened in the 80's or whether she was referring to the world wars that have gone before it.

Mary used vibrational medicine for tropical diseases - and physical massage for physical injuries - she knew the difference between the lamp of Rome and the lamp of Jerusalem. Yes we do knead the physical body with oils and most recently - the kneading was with peppermint with slices of real lemon in the bath - for zest of the immune system.

The magnanimous power of love healing therapies - do you know what Mary said to the Americans - she told them to reform their manners - and that she looked forward to the day of the reformation of their manners.

We saw a male academic in America write how he 'didn't care about the immune system' and how some men think it rebalances itself. I reminded them that if that was true - then children wouldn't have allergies would they. I suggest that the 'goat and dan' that live in America have some cinnamon - as the LORD requested. I recommend that they do the will of the LORD - and I suggest that they no longer annoy him.

When Mary first met Florence in London - it is written that Mary told her that she was looking for the 'Hollander in the darkness'. I feel compelled to read her autobiography of her life - and will see if they have a copy at our local library. It is clear that Mary was an intuitive healer - it looks like she was also clairvoyant.

I have dreamt of a colored woman in the past - and she was working in a place near a bus stop serving food. I feel strongly that Mary Seacole has reincarnated - and that I know where and who she is.

Extraordinary women do extraordinary things - and so it is that hanukkah in the light of my heart of this temple of the holy Spirit - is dedicated to that which is healthy and healing. It is dedicated to the miracle workers that have truly been blessed by God.

This festival of lights is dedicated to the renewal of being - health and healing. For as we heal and intent the healthy recovery of the nations with healing foods and positive intentions - so do others give it their utmost attention.

Renewal of our blessed healers and healing community that bless and heal the food that we eat throughout the world - for this feast of dedication. It is for you that the candle is lit - it is for you that I live - it is to for you that I dedicate the Hanukah renewal this year.

Wisdom's call Proverbs 8.

Where wisdom goes the light of love comes with me - the light of goodness know that wisdom gives the best return on investment of their time and energy: due to the sheer extent of the specific focus on the divine plan and divine will. Always remember that love is unbreakable and be as determined as Mary Seacole for Jesus was correct - the truth shall set them free.

Hanukkah this year has included renewal of friendships - and meeting new people and making new connections in England. My son and his focus on training to become a teacher. May the LORD God bless it for us all this year.

Last but not least for Hanukkah - a blessing for our blessed Ho Anu in Holland - for as he blessed my life to continue in the will of God - so too he is blessed beyond measure. Always in my heart of compassion and mercy. The young dutch and old dutch unite in the heart of renewal for everyone. There was nothing that they could do because our blessed hearts were above our heads.

'For those that find me find life. and receive favor from the LORD'. Proverbs 8:35

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