
Tuesday 16 December 2014


On the 12th December 2014 I wrote about the 'Maltese Cross Healing Visions' and how I had been given a vision of a Maltese Cross. How the Maltese Cross is a symbol of those that do First Aid.

In the visions I saw a woman's hands holding the blue flower from the new era painting and after that I saw a man's hands that were filled with pink petals.

Today there is news that there has been an event at a school in Pakistan and over 100 people have passed over. 80 of them children. Its clear that some men in those parts don't like First Aid - and the saving of lives. The children were being taught first aid and the Maltese Cross is also the symbol of the order of Lazarus.

As we know in the biblical teachings - Lazarus was licked by the dog - the dog licked it. Those that have looked into Islam know what Muslims were taught about dogs. Yet - dogs are the most amazing healers - and in the teachings of Jesus it conveys that. Jesus listened to the feminine and accepted the feminine truth about the dogs. How even the dogs must have the crumbs from the table. Of course children also love dogs and other small animals. The unconditional love of a dog and man's best friend.

As it is written 'The first will be last - and the last will be first'. 

I can see how the petals in the man's hands link into India and Indian philosophy. I can see how they make the aromatherapy oils and Indian vibrational medicine. I can also see how the petals are placed at the feet of the Lotus Feet and the reason why. Just like Mary massaged the head and feet of Jesus with healing oils.

Was the gift of the visions prophetic - I say yes they were prophetic - and the bible mentions the 2000 and 3000 baths. So in what do they bathe the children in Pakistan - do they bathe the children in a clear holy stream.

Is it from the clear stream of water that the children are allowed to drink - as I drank from the clear stream at the sea of Galilee in 2006. To be able to drink fresh natural water from the rock where Jesus drank - is so beautiful. Or are the children in Pakistan like the children in India - an Indian skinned cinderella. Serving their mothers and sisters until the day that they marry - and even after that - so much is asked of the children.

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