
Tuesday 16 December 2014


In the 'First Aid Pakistan' post I mentioned the water and the clear stream that I was blessed to drink from in Israel. Natural water from the rock where Jesus drank at the sea of Galilee.

Nostradamus provided a prophecy about two great rocks and how Arethusa would redden a new river.

Arethusa means "waterer" and it is from Greek mythology. Arethusa that became a fountain on Sicily. It is a story of transformation and it begins when she comes across a clear stream and begins to bathe in it.

Over a decade ago when I was teaching in Italy - I met a lovely man that was born on Sicily.

His son had found yours truly - and had invited me to the farm to teach - they live on 65 acres close to Assisi. In the heart of Italy. His son is also a wonderful healer and an Aquarian water bearer - for an Aquarian Age.

When we were alone together - he spoke to me of his childhood - and how his dad had driven his family through Jerusalem when they were children. I wonder whether he knew in his heart - that the day would come when I would be sent to Jerusalem in Israel - as the prophecies predicted.


Its an interesting numeric as it adds up to 88 and 2015 will be an 8 year again. Just like it was in 2006.

The Maltese Cross vision also has eight points to it.

"Volcanic fire from the centre of the earth.
Will cause trembling around the new city.
Two great rocks will make war for a long time.
The Arethusa will redden a new river".

Being a Christian mystic - Nostradamus would've have been aware of the prophecy about the rivers turning red. However - ask yourselves who are the two great rocks. Arethusa is associated with the ancient teachings in respect of the fountains of water - and Islanders are often different to those that live on the mainland. There are beautiful spring waters in Italy - especially close to the mountains - they have lovely hot springs on the mainland.

Cyprus and the Greek Islands are also beautiful and as we know there has been differences between the Roman church and the Greek church. It is also a region that experiences a lot of earthquakes.

Nostradamus wrote of 'volcanic fire' and there is a volcano on Sicily. He wrote of the 'centre of the earth' and that could also indicate a time factor when an earth sign is in the centre. 2015 is also another wooden year - and wood does come from the earth.

The elderly man that was born in Sicily - made a talking stick for me at my request. From the wood - from the heart of his land that he had farmed during his life. I was asking for his special loving touch on the wood that I could keep as a gift.

As then I could always honor him that had worked so hard - to help humanity during his life. His love - his wood - travelled with us when I was teaching students healing and the pathway to enlightenment.

It pleased the Sicilian to make something for yours truly - that could be used while teaching as a talking stick. The memory of our time shared together in Italy will always remain in my heart.

As the LORD said in 2013 - 'TAP ON WOOD'.

And now my son is training to be a teacher of children.

If you wonder why I have shared the story about the 'Talking Stick' -
then ask yourselves what do you ask the elderly to do - that pleases them when you ask.

Did you find the gold in the tree and its milk. Did you find the giver and how it relates to the spiritual law of giving. Did you encourage others to give of themselves to aid them and their health and well-being. Did you comprehend the fountain of oral teachings of life experience - that sparkle as a holy stream of water in the sunshine.

Did you truly come from your hearts and live in the integrity of heart.

Did you let your light of love shine brightly for all to see.

"Enlightenment springs from the well of peace" Sacred Words

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