
Wednesday 17 December 2014


Sometimes good news can bring tears of joy to your eyes and makes your heart swell with the power of love. For truly this Spirit of Truth has done her utmost to defend Syria against Obama even prior to when it began.

So it is with great joy in my heart that the Syrian people have delivered a powerful message to Obama.

Zion defended the cause of the Syrian people and continued to do so. Such immense feeling comes when the people are empowered in the truth.



The Syrian people ask that you support truth and let the international community know that there has been a change of heart in Syria. Prophet Ezra also spoke of a change of attitude and it can be found in Ezra 6.

It was seven years ago that I supported a Syrian woman - Wafa Sultan and my support for Syria continued. Although when the LORD spoke to me of EZRA in 2010 - the cause of Syria also became a cause of Zion - to defend the country and its children in the best way that I know how.

Humble interventions can have a more powerful impact than most people are aware of - especially when they are divine. The Dead Sea Scrolls predicted that there would be divine intervention for the Sons of Light in these last days of the end times.

So it is a great honor and blessing to be able to share this good news. It has touched my heart deeply that a great wind was with Syria to inspire the people and rescue them. I did see a parachute of rescue in the East of me in 2013.

May you be cushioned Syria in the arms of love - may those palm trees grow tall and healthy.

"For seven days they celebrated with joy the Festival of Unleavened Bread - because the LORD had filled them with joy by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria so that he assisted them in the work on the house of God - the God of Israel'. Ezra 6:22

It is seven years since I have walked the land of Israel and went to the DAMASCUS Gate.

The Syrian people ask that you share this video with the world.

Blessings upon Syria - its people and children.

The banner has been raised for the nations and each may sit under their own tree or vine.

'Do not interfere with the work of this temple of God. Let the governor of the Jews and the Jewish elders rebuild the house of God on this site'. Ezra 6:7

In the desert of Syria there is an ancient city - may it be rebuilt in all of its splendor. May it be one of the biggest tourist attractions in the middle east.

May you know peace that is self-sustainable - may you live ecologically - balanced and healthy lives.

May you all have well-being that is scientifically proven and healing beyond measure.

May you have food in plenty and receive plenty of rain for your crops.

May your people build new communities together in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law of creation.

May you always support each other - embrace the truth - the heart of integrity and live according to the divine plan for you to enjoy your freedom. For the law that is true brings freedom to humanity.


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