
Thursday 18 December 2014


In the dream when the Australian media tycoon gave me the thin chocolate covered in a gold wrapping with PRESIDENT on it. Another healer and I were in the countryside and we were sitting in a farmhouse kitchen that had a large pine table. 

My friend and I had gone to the house due to us being interested in what was being planned for the land. The owners of the house invited us inside - and that is when I saw the media tycoon sitting at the old farmhouse pine table. 

I have sat at many old pine tables during my life - and in some farmhouses. The city girl even looked at buying a farmhouse a few times. 

Pine was part of the era of my youth - I lived with pine prior to and after I married. After I married and left London - we lived close to the local auction rooms. It soon came to be that I began to buy - and a pleasure became a job. Soon after that I started another business and organized antique fairs in the region.  The business was eventually sold. It was an enjoyable time -  I met lots of really interesting people that were involved in antiques and restoration. People from different social backgrounds came into my life.

There were old pine tables - chests of drawers - chairs - wardrobes even. All the wood was stripped of paint and taken back to its natural wood and state of being. Wood breathes. There was an architect in the family - and he also designed houses with lots of natural wood - and he still does. He also designed and built a boat. 

Everything that I had put my heart into - had to go - when everything was sold to do the will of God. 

We were leaving England to start a new life in Australia. While we were in Australia my son began to  work with wood. He would strip off the bark of the branches that he found and he would sit and decorate them with different designs. 

Alas - just as he was building up some stock to show to retailers - we had no choice but to return to England. Our visa for a year had run out - the sponsorship to stay didn't come through as promised. I returned to England wearing the seed pearl. Although it is only now that I truly comprehend its significance. The designer of the ring lived on Bali and many pearls come from Java. 

Returning to the wood reminds me of a man with the name and it was because of him and his handicapped daughter - that a friend and I began organizing a annual charitable event. I was fortunate that due to my business and social networks I was able to call upon many to support charitable giving in a pleasurable way. 

Hence my pleasure has been giving in some way - its just the way that the LORD God made me. Giving to others before you give to yourself. Putting others before yourself. The spiritual law of giving.

Both 2014 and 2015 are wood years - and  in 2015 - I hope that I can give to the self and that the LORD will bless it - so that I can continue to do his will - in the way that he would wish me to fulfill it. 

A true mystic is devoted to fulfilling God's will - and there is only rare times that you have time for the self. Yet I know that my health is crucial to the divine plan. So I trust with all my heart - as I always do - that the LORD will give what is required - to continue to achieve what some said was impossible. 

Maybe everything that I have put my heart into - has to go again - so that I can move on fully into the next phase of my life. Sometimes that is family - it can be friends - social networks and sometimes it can even be the home or location that you live in. 

We've seen the chocolate from the dream of the Australian media tycoon - we've seen the LINDT event in Sydney. Interesting that the gematria of LINDT is 173 and that is the same gematria as 'OBAMACARE' so it is about health and the health of the nations that is for sure. 

So are you going to allow the corporations to live off the backs of the poor and the health issues that they've co-created for humanity with their social engineering. Are we going to continue to allow the communists to tell the people of England that our national health service was built because of Stalin. 

Or are we going to honor the righteous saints that have come before us. 

Let us unlock the old pine wood and see what wonders the LORD has for us all. 

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