
Monday 15 December 2014

Cafe Sydney Event Predicted

13th November 2014 - an alert was issued for Australia due to a dream of three people in Australia. In the dream it was Christmas shopping time.

On the 11th December 2014 - I had  dream of being in a cafe and in the dream a woman with the name of Wendy was in it.

12th December 2014 - the vision of the Maltese Cross was received and the post mentioned Australia.

Now there has been an event in Sydney at a cafe - and a woman with the name of Wendy is at the scene. There was a lot of brown in the dream and what is the color of chocolate - brown.

There are eight chocolate cafes in Australia - (and eight points to the Maltese cross) and the cafe that is under siege is the flagship in Martin place. Swiss chocolate and they serve breakfast and lunch. It was written earlier in the year 'Breakfast is on' as the words had been spoken and posted.

Nostradamus provided a warning to the Swiss - and particularly Geneva. In the prophecy it mentions ADVENT and 'Before the advent the sky will show signs' C9.Q44. In 2014 - the four Advent Sundays are November 30 - December 7 - December 14 and December 21.

At the Swiss chocolate shop they taught the history of Lindt Swiss Chocolate. Nostradamus also mentions the teacher in his prophecy when he mentions Saturn. 'Saturn from gold to iron will change'.

Also interesting that a friend emailed and said that he had a dream about chocolate. I did have a dream of chocolate. Rupert gave me a thin chocolate with a gold wrapping with PRESIDENT written on it. The Australian media tycoon - remember him - and the dream of being handed chocolate from October 2013. Also interesting that Nostradamus mentions the 'Sky' in his prophecy - and the media tycoon owns Sky television. 'Before the advent the sky will show signs'.

This video says that the man involved in the hostage situation was on the American radar.

The message that I received last night from the LORD while browsing was 'Yahgavid' and then today there was news about David West in London who died due to his son David.

Sydney is also known as the 'gay capital of the world'.

David West owned the HeyJo nightclub and he hired Cherie Blair to lobby for him. Then there was the meeting of Tony Blair and Richard Branson on his island in 2007. Did you get the memo! A poster in the social networks wrote that there has been a recent speech given by Cherie Blair in Rome. Is that true - could you find anything on it.

However - you will find the alerts that were given to Australia and Australians delivered by yours truly that delivers the testimony of warning. Isaiah 8. Do you remember the dream that included the bum in the air. Then afterwards there were bums in air on Bondi Beach for G20. The information prior to G20 was posted on this blog after the dream was received.

As the LORD said earlier in the year - 'Breakfast is on'. After the bum was seen - then there was a different cameo and there was an important lunch in the dream - and I am certainly looking forward to lunch.

The David situation in London also aligns with a biblical prophecy about dads and sons in this timeline.

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