
Sunday 14 December 2014


On the 11th December 2014 - I had a 'Bistro Cafe Dream' and that was the 'Day of Intensity'. Crispin was in the dream and the name is historically linked to Canterbury. That was then followed by the English TV Question Time when Farage - Brand and the minister for fire were being questioned by the people about the state of the nation. The comedians were in Canterbury - hence the timing for Saint Crispins Day - Are you paying attention.

Now there is an announcement of a new EU law that will impact on restaurants and bars. The law orders restaurants and bars to highlight allergy-producing ingredients. 'They have to specify which foods on their menus could spark off allergic reactions in diners'. It has to be shown clearly on the menu - the  waiter must be able to inform diners clearly if asked.

Three years ago Brussels gave member states of its compliance deadline and the European directive on food allergies has been adopted by Spanish national law. Spain's Hostelry Federation says it has been 'forced to commit' to compliance with a 'complex rule'.

While we're on the subject - when you try to speak to cafe bar owners in the UK about healing foods - they just look at you blankly.

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