
Thursday 4 December 2014

2 x 2 Malt Oat Biscuits

Are you kneading the dough - have you made some soda bread - or samosa's with your flour and oil.



I have another recipe for you to try and it is malt oat biscuits.

Oats are economical and you can ground with a pestle to make flour.

In this recipe there were at least 12 heaped tablespoons of oats.

After the oats were ground - a heaped tablespoon of malt extract was mixed in.

Malt extract goes a long way - so better to have little rather than more of it.

While mixing - you can include three tablespoon of olive oil - pink salt and black pepper.

While mixing keep on adding the flour until the consistency of the dough is like the dough of bread. While mixing I added more olive oil.

However - you have to work with recipes to suit your taste buds.

Remember to add warm water to the mixture - to help to bring it together in a dough. If you put too much water in - then just add more flour. It will be fine. You can use a combination of oats and fine flour. Whatever you have in the cupboard.

Kneading with your own hands is important for your health - it is a 'stress reliever' and cooking is therapeutic.

So when making dough - no bread machines or food processors.

The health gain is by making the dough by hand - with loving - caring hands.

When the dough is proved - roll out small amounts of it.

You can make the malt oat biscuits 2 x 2 in size.

Like the size of a coin. Or larger if you wish to do so. The size of a token.

The baking tray was dusted in flour and the 2 x 2 shapes placed upon it.

Pre-heated oven - heat of 4 and cook for about 15 -20 minutes.

The dough makes a lot of biscuits - so you have to cook the savory biscuits in batches.

They are crispy and ideal with butter and cheese.

They will keep in an air-tight container - so you can make them in advance.

Snacking on oats is healthy for you  - and I like oats for breakfast.

The oats can be used for all sorts of amazing recipes.

Do you make your own biscuits.

You can be frugal when it is necessary - and you can make a lot with a little.

Therapeutic cooking reminds me of when I ran my own business -

when we lived in the big house.

I would cook lots of things to help me to relax - and freeze some of the dishes once cooked.

So when I didn't have time to cook. There was always something homemade in the freezer.

Our bodies were made to process food - not eat processed food.

So to stay physically healthy -  eat homemade.

The orange barley soup was another success

and these malt oat biscuits would also be good with soup.

So give it a try - its fun to cook and very relaxing.

The 4th of December is the day of fortitude.

So I shall cal these malt oat biscuits - the Fortitude Biscuits.

Apparently the word originates from Latin and it means 'courage' that 'aids endurance'.

When I was a child and I wouldn't eat - my mother gave me a teaspoon of malt - because it tastes like  toffee. She was also aware of how healthy malt can be.

'Malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man'.  A.E. Housman

There are some lovely Malt houses and traditional Maltings in England.

You just can't help loving this green and pleasant land - especially if you spent 50% of your childhood growing up in the countryside close to the Malt houses.

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