
Thursday 4 December 2014


I've shared some of the history of kneading that began at school - then began kneading again after I saw my mother-in-law making bread. So have kneaded for most of my life in one way or another.

Deuteronomy 28 also mentions the basket - and I used to have a basket of fresh eggs - and a basket of fresh vegetables in the kitchen prior to going to Australia. The fruit was usually in a bowl on the dinner table - so that my son could help himself to fruit. Although - he usually asked 'Mummy may I have'


Tonight I've been sharing again the importance of kneading using your knuckles to knead. A poster asked 'what does this mean'.


We live longer because the organs of women are healthier than those that do not knead.

It is a scientific fact - that kneading is healthy for you - and your body. It is the great YUD!

You can also put your fingers to the palm of your hands - that is also a 'stress reliever'. The clenched fist!

You have hands for an important health reason - and you are meant to knead with them not use a bread 'machine.' Is your bread 'machine' connected to your heart like your hands are. Get kneading for healthy reasons. Get those knuckles and wrists moving. Love energy comes through your hands - not a bread 'machine' or food processor.

Put the love into what you eat - put the life of the light of love in. Its creative and therapeutic.

When I knead - I usually knead in silence intentionally - just being and feeling the love - as I am making the dough.

I've also kneaded bodies when given the opportunity to give healing and massage. I smile sometimes when I think of Jesus saying 'I am the bread of life'. I'm sure that Magdalene kneaded his body when giving him aromatherapy - the aroma would've been wonderful.

The healing oils and the leaves are for healing the nations.

So kneading isn't just about food - its also about the body that you are kneading as well. Life is such a great adventure. Both Jesus and Elijah spoke of the feminine and the flour and oil. Jesus spoke of it in the context of the heavenly - and with the numeric of 60lbs.

The numeric of 60 was also given in the spiritual law of giving. Jesus and Elijah both knew the importance of its context in the torah - and how important the flour and oil would be for the feminine. Especially in the last days of the end times.

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