
Wednesday 3 December 2014

Christmas Judgement

Following on from the Christmas dream; received in October of the woman in the white fur coat - in the Kings Head. There was a 20 squared note put in my right hand and closed around it. The clenched fist! The woman that I knew said 'Buy yourself something for Christmas'.

This mandala was for an American Christian and the paint was spread in 2012. I've included it in this post because it looks like a Christmas pine tree. 2012 was the end of the world as humanity have known it.

On the 23rd November the fire was at Charing Cross and now there is news that there has been a fire at Denmark Hill. The fact that there has been two fires in quick succession at London train stations is the reason that I have brought this to your attention. I don't recommend that people travel on tubes for the rest of this month. There have been two warnings in London - and the third could be a lot more serious.

In the Ukraine there has been an 'accident' at a nuclear facility - and snow as swept across America. White fur coat anyone. 

We know that 2014 has been about Psalm 91 - due to the fact that there is a biblical plague in America. 

This week there was also news of a case in Florida with a mother found with arrows in her head. Psalm 91 mentions the arrow that was shown in a vision of the four directions given in 2013. 

The psalm mentions a 1000 and 10000 people. Both are numerics that relate to the spiritual law of giving that Jesus spoke of - when he spoke about how what you give will come back to you 30 - 60 or 100 fold. 

In my humble view - the judgement this Christmas is to do with the combination of the spiritual law and the biblical prophecy in Psalm 91. Many people had the opportunity to give - in fact they were commanded to give and provide for the vulnerable. Now the nations face the consequences for not doing so. 

The closer we've been getting to Christmas this year - the stronger that I've been feeling the power of it.

The prophecy also mentions 'midday' and 'midday' is a timing that is related to Joseph in relation to the giving of gifts. In Psalm 91 'midday' is the timing for the 'plague that destroys at midday'.

In Isaiah 59 we find the mention of 'midday' again - along with 'among the strong'. America thinks it is the strongest nation in the world and Obama is its president that is mentioned in Rev 13. Obama the Leo the Lion.

Wisdom with insight was called to do the count. We've also seen how the leader of the nation of Islam has been behaving in response to what happened over the Ferguson case.

Psalm 91 mentions the 'Lion and the Cobra' being trampled underfoot - and the 'Cobra' has historically been associated with Egypt. Egypt where Obama gave his first address to the Islamic nations. 

The UN and it includes Egypt - is demanding that Israel disarm. At the same time the UN is saying that it will not send anymore food to Syria. 

Putin defends Syria and there are over a million Russians living in Israel. It looks like it will be the Jewish people that will have to rescue the people of Syria - with parachutes of food and supplies. 

At the same time; the Israeli PM has 'dismissed' two members of his cabinet and has called for an election.

It was in 2011 the king of Jordan gave an interview to share the Islamic intentions to take Assad out. I can see why the UN is doing what it is doing in co-operation with the Islamic Arab league. Syria the crossroads of religion. No Obama - you can't have Syria. 

Deuteronomy 28:29 also mentions 'midday' and it looks like it is related to energy and electricity. Putin is now saying that he is not going to build a pipeline into Europe.

Then today there is an American article about prepping - and what would you do if the grid went down. Here are some cooking ideas and how hot food can be cooked off the grid.

'At midday you will grope around like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything that you do. Day after day you will be oppressed and robbed with no one to rescue you'. 

Deuteronomy 28 is about the blessings for the basket and the kneading. In recent days I have written of how I have been kneading and shared the samosa sabbath on thanksgiving. With flour and oil kneading the dough. Both Elijah and Jesus spoke of the importance of the flour and the oil - and to make sure that you have plenty of it. Jesus spoke of 60lbs of it. 

Again 60 is a numeric that is related to the spiritual law - as it divides and multiplies by ten. In the scripture Jesus also spoke of it in the context of a woman and heaven. Hence he surely was giving a timeline for the necessity of the flour and oil for cooking food to eat.

However - the prophecy also provides specifics of what will happen if people refuse to do his will - and it mentions the basket and kneading again. So there were options - what did you choose. Did you knead the dough yourselves from the flour and oil - or did you purchase what can be found in a Christmas store. 

What is in the bread that you buy at the store - do you know! Is it GMO. Where did the flour come from - did it come from America where there are over a million 'diseased hogs' - 'birds and mosquitos' impacting on the food chain. Do you know that people are dying in America - the nation that thought it was the strongest. 

It reminds me of the Asian disaster that happened on Boxing Day. People that were on expensive Christmas holidays were simply swept away by the water. Humanity were warned in advance with an SOS article with the words of the LORD. How many people shared the testimony of warning that was delivered at that time. 

Zion defends the oppressed and in Psalm 91 - it gives advice about what to do. It also mentions 'faithfulness' the 'feathers' and the 'shield'. That then reminds me of the pink pilots wings with the shield that arrived earlier in 2014. Something major is about to happen that is for sure.

“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him. I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him - and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91:14-16

Do you remember that Jesus said to Peter 'Do you love me'. I say to him 'You love me'.

Interesting that I once gave Peter feathers - in the 90's -  he was a healer and workshop facilitator that was brought into my life in a powerful way on the galilee of the gentiles. 

There were messages and divine guidance for him at that time - the 2nd watch were honored and thanked for the work that had been done to date. Jesus predicted that if it came with the 2nd or 3rd watch - humanity would be blessed.

At that time I was not aware that the feathers were mentioned in the biblical prophecies. Feathers were also given to people in Australia. When my son decorated and spread the paint on the different designs on the wood. My son gave the decorated wood to people who had been kind to us in Australia. A reminder of our sharing and time together. It was Christmas in the sun in 1998 - as I sat in the garden of scent for healing purposes. It was the following summer that Jesus appeared before me.

In the Song of Jerusalem it mentions the 'Man of Scent' the 'tears' and the 'joy'.

In the Spring of 2014 I received a Jesus Christ Superstar dream and in the dream was Boy George and Russell Brand outside in the rain. Both have been in the news in recent weeks.

I also received the energy of the joy when I woke up - it manifested as golden energy. When I asked about the energy that had been put into my hands. Jesus responded that it was 'JOY' and that there was plenty of joy for everyone.

Divine joy is beyond measure when it is divine providence. Jesus had put the divine joy in my hands so that I could share it with the people. The radiant hands that are filled with joy to be bestowed. The true teachings that bring joy to hearts - the salvation that is at the gates of Zion.

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