
Sunday 30 November 2014


WASHPAN reminds me Psalm 91

So much has happened hasn't it.

Micah 4 

Did you see the story about the woman in America that took a pig on a plane.

That was funny - pigs can fly on American planes.

I didn't like flying on American planes.

I asked 'Where's the blankets'.

Flying without blankets.

Then every time you go through transit - 

you have to go through security checks all over again.

Hours of wait between flights.

I don't recommend flying in America.

Once was enough for yours truly.

The Son of Joseph only went to America once.

He said 'Never again'.

When I arrived back in England - my case didn't arrive with me.

I had to wait days to find out whether it was on its way to me from JFK.

When you go through transit through Europe to Israel.

Its a simple on - off and on.

With a little time for coffee and something to eat.

Its a sheer pleasure traveling to Israel.


Photograph taken by yours truly.

You simply glide through peacefully.

Although its exciting when you arrive and see those 

ancient mosiacs on the wall.

As soon as you step foot on the land.

You can feel the sheer uplifting power and energy of it.

Its only due to the divine plan that I ever went to Israel or America.

I had no plans to visit either of those two countries.

I didn't have any interest in either of them.

However - the LORD ordained it - so that was it.

I didn't really get a choice in the matter.

One minute I was in England - next minute I was abroad.

Big smiles! 

He sure knows how get me on the move; when he decides its time for action.

I do wonder sometimes whether there will be a third trip to Israel.

I was asked when I was coming back.

Northern Israel is lovely.

Its a blessed land.


  1. Breaking news just in - there is an investigation of a bomb on a plane at JFK.

    It I correlate that with the dream that I had of the woman in the white fur coat a few weeks ago. We were at the Kings Head - and she put a 20 squared note in the palm of my right hand - and closed my hand around it.

    20 is the numeric of judgement.

    After that another woman gave me a 20 pound note folded in two in the shape of a pillar. I wrote about it at the time.

    The closer its getting to Christmas - the more I am feeling that its going to be the Christmas of judgement for those that celebrate Christmas.

    Also I was sneezing a lot earlier and that indicates energetic explosions.

  2. A bomb threat has been reported on a plane flying in from Barcelona to New York City’s JFK International Airport, according to the NYC Fire Department.

    However, a bomb squad that searched the plane returned empty-handed.
