
Sunday 30 November 2014

People Leaving the Sun

In this video of the sun you can clearly see two people leaving the sun. First in the beginning of the video and also at the end of the video. The one at the end of the video is absolutely huge. Also at 3:37 you can also see the head of a bird in the sun itself.

Last night we were discussing the parable that mentions the three sons and I was expressing how it is a prophecy about three different generations that manifested in real life. The heritage of the flame of Joseph. 

Today - I have been pondering on what happened to Joseph and how he spent his last years in a chair. I was only a little child at the time - so I never saw him being able to walk at all.

Due to the Son of Joseph being the youngest son - it would mean that whatever happened to the body of Joseph - the Son of Joseph would've had memory of it. 

There used to be a Russian mystic that was involved in an international news agency and had some issues to do with his hips. He referred to it as 'Jacobs trouble'. I am now looking at the possibility of genetic inheritance - so will do some cellular healing with that. The hospital said that the tendon in my foot was OK now - and it was due to the flat feet that was impacting on my lower back. 

However - I was far from satisfied with the examination - and I know what my left foot feels like. Of course it doesn't help - that I've shrunk two inches in height since this all began. That clearly impacts on my lower back - it restricts movement in walking any distance. Does it remind you of Rev 3 and the pillar.

They've given me pads to wear in my boots - and asked me to keep them on for at least four hours a day. That's hard for yours truly - as I like being in bare feet; due to having spent so much time in bare feet. When the feet are bare they feel free. 

So bare feet has developed into freedom and feeling free. However - putting the boots on does mean action. So I view it as a balance of freedom and action. Didn't get the inversion table for my back as I couldn't order it when I tried to do so. Then food became the priority - so that was that. Perhaps my son would buy his mother an inversion table for Christmas - if he can afford it. 

I am determined in the healing process - and I am determined to unlock whatever has to be unlocked so that this physical body can heal. The physical is always the last to resolve; and as we know it is often the case that the older we get - the more physical accumulation there is. So the sooner that we resolve the build up of memory in the body the better it is for your health. 

A friend who has known me since my son was a baby; thinks that it is due to what the physical body has had to endure since birth. Of course that has all been accounted for - and I am aware of the cellular healing that I've already done with it. I feel better than I have done for a long time; and time is also a great healer. Its a slow process getting back up again. However - I am convinced it can be done with the help of the LORD for his will to be done. 

After all - my bones are strong - so are my organs - I could live another 30 years - just think what I could do in that time. Life is just beginning again in a different reality. 

Some of the sisters of the Son of Joseph are still alive - and one of them must be at least 90. So there is long life in the family on the female Jewish side - although they all had tall large build like Joseph. They were all tall except for one of the sons - they all got their height from Joseph - and the Dutch Jewish side.

'With long life I shall satisfy him and show him my salvation' Psalm 91:16

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