
Saturday 29 November 2014

Ancient of Days -v- Man

The ancient of days does not ask for worship nor do any of the inter-galatics. The ancient of days asks you to pick up your soul and do not lay it at the feet of anyone. The power of the inter-galatic - inter-planetary force is love and light beyond measure. 


That is why I warned people not to stand against yours truly - for if they did they would face the consequences for doing so. I did not go to Israel alone. The inter-galatic forces were with me. That is why the evidence of the sign of the comet exploding for nearly three weeks of the mission happened at that time. It was a cosmic reality that would be recognized and the spiritual Israel's knew what it meant. 

Then another comet exploded during the next mission to Israel. It was another proven sign - that she had arrived on Israel's soil. Who could send a comet in divine intervention - could you.

Who could stand against the huge pillars of the light of the inter-galatics. Who could stand against the ancient of days as he sits upon his throne. No man that lives on the planet is any force against the forces that stand against what man has done to this planet. Man doesn't even know why a pearl is created. Yet man thinks he is all-powerful.

The house of the righteous contains great treasure. Proverbs 15:6

Wisdom will save you. Proverbs 2:12

Proverbs 2 mentions both wisdom and insight and so does Rev 13.

Do you remember Israel - do you America.

It is a fact that from a single oyster - 8-12 pearls can be found - and the 12 pearls are mentioned in Rev 21:21. What is a pearl - feminine - inside the shell is the mother of pearl. Tell me do you have the pearl of great price. What did it cost you. Shall I wear my pearl again for all to see. Shall I place it upon my right hand again.

What did it mean - who could appreciate the wisdom of the right hand - or the sheer power of its love that was poured out upon the people that saw it. Who knows that the 21st century was born in her wisdom. Who cared fully for justice to be done. Wisdom has two sides just like a hand has two sides.

Who could take the Jewish woman out of the 'valley of death.' Did you - did you deliver the Jewish woman with a healing miracle. Did you give her a kiss of life - as she gave you. What did you do for those that loved you - did you give them a miracle.

Could you save the widows son - did you in fact do so - what force creates miracles do you know.

Miracles only come to be when love and truth is honored. Jesus was testament to that fact.

The doors have been closing upon many angels they were judged strictly by the saints that had integrated patience beyond measure. Saints that had been victorious and overcome those that stood against them. Saints that had become master of their realities due to the sheer depth and breadth of their love.

Masters that had gone beyond where others were - they were brave souls and courageous as we crossed the new frontiers of consciousness together. Hand in hand - side by side - we toned our names together.

The forces of light were unified on the land of Israel; in the heart and sound of love that had been sent to the land as promised.

The divine training was strict - and the ancient of days is definitely strict in his approach and what he says. The divine training had to be strict to co-create the miracle workers; in pure intention they gave their fullest attention and focus on the divine plan.

Those that got through know that Zion defends the 'oppressed' - and the inter-planetary forces of all light - love and goodness are with her - in harmonic concordance with the divine plan. Those that supported Zion and the divine plan are blessed beyond measure. And Jesus predicted that if it came with the 2nd or 3rd watch - humanity would be blessed.

He knew that his true seed would be sent in perfect timing; to the land and people that he loved. Although he shared with his followers that he did not know the exact day or the hour. However - he did know that she would arrive at night time as the prophecies predicted.

The strictness came to be due to the arrival of ELOKIM - and some people knew that there would be a big sifting that would follow it. A threshing of America is mentioned in Micah 4. Daughter Zion - Daughter Jerusalem arrived. Some advanced spiritual Americans were fully aware; that some spiritual realities would cease to exist after the threshing was completed.

Jesus also predicted that the Angels would come to select the good fish from heaven in the last days of the end times. Its no coincidence that he used the analogy of the net; or that the selection has been going on for 14 years. Rev 14 also mentions the new song that only 144000 could hear. As the saying goes - 'tough assignments are only given to the best students'.

I wrote to a man the other day - that you like to give people a fish - why then don't you build a fish farm where you can feed 10000 on three acres of land. For truly what is a man - if he cannot feed the people appropriately with a good fish. Isn't it also appropriate for women to bake bread; and make sure that they have plenty of flour and oil.

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