
Sunday 30 November 2014


In the 20 pound note dream in October when the woman in the white fur coat was in the Kings Head.

She put a 20 pound note that had been folded up into a square into the palm of my right hand - and closed my hand around it. She then said 'Buy yourself something for Christmas'.

After that a local pensioner gave me an early Christmas present of a 20 folded in two - in the shape of a pillar and asked me to spend it on food.

20 is the numeric of judgment - and there has been news of a possible bomb on a plane flying into JFK from Spain after I had written about planes and JFK on this blog.  Apparently - the plane was all clear.

I have been sneezing a lot today = energetic explosions. The closer its getting to Christmas - the more that I am feeling that this is the 'Christmas of judgement' for America and nations that celebrate Christmas.

The testimony of warning in respect of expenditure has been given so many times. Yet how many heard the call to return. How many actually did the will of the heavenly Father as Jesus told his followers to do.

Then when you see the pictures of the sun and the people leaving the sun on the 18th November.

It does indicate that people are leaving due to how hot the sun is getting.

Christmas as Christians currently celebrate it - is not what Jesus had in mind when he gave his teachings. Do you remember the parable of the 'merchant and the pearl'. How can they call themselves Christians when they speak as they do. How can they say they only embrace the KJV - when they don't live the truth of it.

There was the numeric of 20 in the dream. Then there was the numeric of 20 given.

20 + 20 = 40 and the numeric of 40 is usually symbolic of Moshe and the prophets that spent 40 years in the wilderness. This is a life size drawing of my real hand - with nails when I did this painting for a member of the community. Nostradamus also predicted that the Iris wouldn't be seen for 40 years and that after that it could be seen everyday.

The Age of Iris and the Iris flower was used by Nostradamus for people who were 'depresseed'. It is often the case that people go on spending sprees when they're 'depressed' to cheer themselves up. Christmas tends to be that time of the year and people count the cost of the credit card bills afterwards.

Due to the announcement of what happened at JFK I re-looked at the 'Clenched Fist'. And some research was done that brought forth the importance of clenching muscles to aid strength and will. It can also improve memory capability.

Some more on the 'Clenched Fist' symbology.

In Hebrew the closed hand is the letter Yad that is known as the Yud -  it became the letter Y.

The Yud also has the sound of 'I' like Israel does. There has also been an event at a Jerusalem school. They were warned in advance as well - that when they stopped hearing from yours truly - that was the time to be very concerned.

Since I had that pre-Christmas dream. America has been swept with snow. There has been the Ferguson trial and the riots after it. That was also pre-warned in August when I shared the drummer dream. I did say we are not going to the Obama party. However - many Americans do love a party.

Oh yea then there was the electricity that my son gave to the musicians by giving them the cables.  Do you remember the carmen music in the dream. Then cars of the men in Ferguson were on fire afterwards. Oil prices anyone! Notes - 20's. Remember what happened in the 1920's folks it looks like its coming again. 1920 - 1929 was 'boom to bust' for America.

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