
Monday 1 December 2014

Arrow Psalm 91 Florida Biblical Prophecy

Psalm 91 mentions a lot of what is happening in America. It also mentions the 'terror' and 'biblical plague' as 'pestilence'. In the psalm it mentions the 'feathers' - the 'shield' and the 'arrow'.


In 2013 - I was given a vision of the four directions. In the West there was an arrow that turned into a firework and firework night in the UK is in November. As we know there has been plenty of fireworks in America over the Ferguson trial outcome this November. Its also been Thanksgiving and Americans wrote how they planned to 'stuff their faces with Turkey'. I responded that I am doing the will of God and having samosa with soup.

In the vision in the East there was also an arrow and it turned into a parachute. There has been an event at Jerusalem at a school this November.

Parachutes make excellent tents - and I once saw how a man had decorated his ceiling and walls with a parachute. It was like something out of the Arabian nights - and he did look middle eastern.

It was beautiful - and he had filled the large room with very large cushions that looked eastern. He didn't have to keep on decorating those walls and ceiling.

Although I wonder how he kept it clean. I am being given 'interior designer' as I write this.

Also in the vision in the north there was a Loppy white eared rabbit - and a friend use to keep loppy eared rabbits. I had a dream of her about pre-Christmas and the 20 squared note that she put into my right hand - and closed my hand around it. The 'clenched fist' in this timeline has more than one meaning; when you bear in mind that 20 is the numeric of judgement.

She was wearing a white fur coat and white fur also reminds us of snow. The snow that swept across America - although the white fur kept her warm in the Kings Head.

Psalm 91 'You will not fear the terror of night - nor the arrow that flies by day'. 

In this news report the man and the Christmas decorations are mentioned. The arrow flew in Florida and now his mother has passed over due to what her son did to her. They found 'arrows in her head'.



In addition - an apparent 'suicide' in Maryland of a top male 'prosecutor' - Jerry Barnes. Certainly many are having to face their conscience for what they've done during their lives. It sure is the Christmas of judgement and it is described in both Psalm 91 and Isaiah 66.

Although the report says 'apparent suicide' so maybe he's another one that has been taken out. There has been so many and as Prophet Isaiah predicted for this timeline; not everything is a conspiracy.

So how will you get through what is coming - the counsel in the dream gave the 'clenched fist'.

The Hebrew letter that became the YUD. The original pictograph of the YAD. The letter that became the letter 'Y' with the sound of 'I'. Do you remember seeing the pictures of my right arm - and how it is healing. It is still healing. Also my left hand as the Y written in the flesh. That's my sensitive hand. Its probably sensitive due to what happened to it. First the dog bite when I was in junior school - then the piercing from the nail when we were looking for our first home to buy. The scars still exist in the flesh of my hand. YW.


The right hand is powerful in the healing process - and the strongest of my two hands - I was kneading bread last week. Kneading can also be done in massage. It is easier to knead - less strain on the hand and good movement for the wrists.

If you are typing all the time on the internet - how do you get time to knead to ensure that you and yours stay healthy. I turned the internet off last night - I took the modem away - and there was no more internet in my home. That was strict judgement on the internet - ELOKIM.

That's what happens if people don't keep to their agreements with the Aquarian water bearers. Strict judgement arrives upon them. Sometimes I wonder how long it will take for my son to learn that! He does like to do it the hard way.

It is a proven fact - that when he listens to wisdom he then prospers. The one that gets wisdom loves life. I don't judge him in my heart - for in my heart there is zero-judgement.  However - discipline is essential - especially when the health of the nations are involved and life circumstances are crucial.

Muscle operation for fitness enhances the strength to endure; and increases the will to do so. Proven that it improves memory. So put your finger tips on the palm of your hands. Stretch those muscles!

No coincidence than that kneading bread - has been something that women have done historically.

During my life I've made a lot of home made pizza's so there has been a lot of kneading the bread base in my life. The kneading hands is an action that keeps the hands flexible - its no coincidence that there is a heart centre in the hands. The heart energy going into the food that you knead for your family with love.

How wonderful then that kneading sends a positive message to the thymus and the heart - and that the heart knows that food is coming when the kneading happens. Also after kneading massage - I often cooked for those that received the massage and healing. I love to cook - to heal - and give people massage.

So keep on kneading folks - it is more powerful than you know in multiple ways. If you have been happy during the times of your life when you have been kneading bread - it brings the joy of positive memories back to the heart.

Another reason why Jesus and Elijah both spoke about the flour and the oil. They were recommending a healthy reality for well-being and peace.

Another reason why the LORD asked for samosa on Thursday evening. Flour and oil. It wasn't just about the food - it was also about preparing for what was coming upon humanity. Healthy hearts are strong hearts - so make sure you stay as heathy as you can be. My organs are doing good - so let's get those muscles - knuckles and wrists going with massage and kneading.

I've still got my Victorian rolling pin - and one of the Victorian bread boards. I was very drawn to that era. As the LORD said in 2013 - 'Tap on wood'.

All I had to eat on Sunday was bread and some cheese - and I felt blessed that I had baked the soda bread. I always count my blessings in such circumstances - for I know that the LORD always provides for me. As the prophecy in Psalm 91 predicts 'I shall live long life'.

Nostradamus predicted that the Iris wouldn't be seen for 40 years - and after that it could be seen everyday for 40 years. Now that numeric of 40 also applies to Moses and the prophets. The age of Iris and the French mystic comprehended the power of vibrational medicine.

Its no coincidence that yours truly has worked with flower essences for healing and ascension. I was divinely guided to offer combinations for specific realities and states of being. The keys for healing consciousness are wonderful. As the prophecy predicts the leaves are for healing the nations.

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