
Tuesday 25 November 2014

Teresa and Michael Hotel Dream

I dozed off in the bath and I had a lovely dream. Friends - Teresa and Michael had bought a small family hotel in a country that looked and felt like Italy. The small hotel was big enough for all her family and friends to live there and or visit her there. It was a beautiful sunny place. I wonder if the name of the hotel as anything to do with the word 'Pearl' or 'Oyster'. A pearl of great price.

I saw her brother and he was being very protective of yours truly - he has appeared in my previous dreams.

I was walking with an ex-partner Michael - and he was smiling and happy loving me. As we walked in the sunshine together just being - as we used to just be. He was smiling at me lovingly.

He is the last man that gifted this flame of Joseph with a watch. Just like in Italy - we began our celebration of my birthday at lunch time and went into the evening. Scripture shares with the people that Joseph was gifted at midday.

It was after the real third watch was gifted - that the 3rd watch mentioned by Jesus in the scripture began.

On the Galilee of the Gentiles the other side of my son Jordan being born.

Jesus predicted that if it came in the 2nd or 3rd watch - humanity would be blessed. It came with the 3rd watch.

Small hotels could be another ideal solution for ecological and self-sustainable community development. Just because it was built as a business as a small hotel doesn't necessarily mean that it has to continue to be open to tourists and holiday makers.

This indicates to me that the travel industry will experience a dip in European tourists in Europe traveling for economic reasons. As such small family hotels will find that they have no option but to move on into a different reality.

European tourism has been impacted upon heavily by the euro and that is a big reason that unemployment has soared in euro countries. In Greece their tourism revenue had been cut by 50% due to joining the euro. I was abroad at the time that the euro was introduced to Spain - and I witnessed prices shoot up over night.

Italy is blessed with the most ecological farming land in Europe.  Due to Italian farmers looking after their land and its crops better than other Europeans.

Its great to stay on a farm in Italy and eat the food grown on the land where you're staying. In Italy those farms with accommodation are called 'Agritourismo's'. However - in the dream the hotel that I saw - looked like a small hotel that had previously been used for tourists and holiday makers.

She chose to have no children this lifetime; and her life had brought her small wealth. A wonderful family and friends; and in the dream she was able to share her retirement with her family and friends that still lived.

It looked as if - that life and how one lives it - has become important to her in these last days of the end times. Hence she is making choices now for her future. It is also possible that this is a small hotel that she could be offered to purchase and it arrives at an opportune time in her life. Would she appreciate the pearl of great price - and wisdom that held her hand.

It was a very pleasant dream and everyone was happy. Teresa and Michael had brought together all the skills and talents of family and friends - to make it a successful venture and life experience. The happy and joyful hearts were together. Peaceful people who get along harmoniously.

The years that we shared together - wisdom used to cook lunch and dinner for her - as she didn't like to cook. Hence yours truly had responsibility for the menu for Teresa. I used to call her and say 'Dinner's ready'.

Maybe the most recent mandala painting with the golden paddles is for Teresa and Michael. Its pink and gold. That would make sense as when Teresa and Michael were first together - they walked where there are paddle boats and people with canoes by the river. The painting has a pink and gold X in the painting; and its overall design looks like a cushion and the cushion is about comfort.

Wisdom also helped to prepare her for the bigger responsibility that she was destined to enjoy. She did arrive in the boardroom - and in a different dream - I was in the boardroom with other people including the Son of Joseph. He was also smiling and happy in his suit. Teresa likes Italian clothes and food - so Italy is ideal for her.

Its no coincidence that Teresa was a volunteer for the Samaritans - nor is it a coincidence that she worked for a water company. Do you remember the legend of the Samaritan woman that gave Jesus the water.



In dream interpretation if you are in a dream in a hotel; with a member of the opposite sex it can be a dream of contrary. It relates to love life and domestic affairs. It can be a dream of contrary depending on the general atmosphere. We were outside of the hotel in the sunshine; walking towards the hotel that was in front of us.

If the hotel was modest; that can indicate a satisfying achievement and surely Teresa and Michael are satisfied with what they've achieved in life.

The man that was walking with me on my left; Michael could be considered to be a very modest person in his life. And he was a catalyst in my love life; so I can see how he might be happy with the outcome of what happened afterwards.

In the dream; I wasn't entirely sure about Michael in relationship; due to what had happened previously. He and I had a history of life experience and I rarely returned to previous relationships. So it is likely that we were just being friendly.

For yours truly to commit to giving my heart - I have to be 100% sure - and as sure as one can be. However - in the dream I was just allowing the loving to be.

A hotel of family and friends speaks to me of a combination of home life and business. A dream of sharing - loving and being together in harmony. An harmonious outcome of people sharing together in community. Each making a worthy contribution to the existence of the new home - that they make together. That would also link in with the dream of Ella returning from France as well - a mutual friend.

That then reminds me of when Jesus spoke of my friends; and how he spoke of how I had all of the friends that I required in my life. His counsel to me at that time was 'If someone tries to push into your life. Ask them what they can do for you. Not what you can do for them'. Jesus was satisfied at what I had accomplished for him as a healer in the community.

He also spoke of the surpassing that I had achieved - so much had been accomplished by the woman that had overcome and been victorious. The wondrous woman from heaven.

After I received the dream - I went to see what others were writing about in the community and responded accordingly. Americans that stand alone beneath the darkened skies due to what America's military have done to other nations. I did remind them that Rev 17 and Rev 18 is about the America corporations and that the first woman mentioned in Rev 2 was also an American.

Interesting that the LORD once asked me if I would be willing to move to Tuscany; and I said that I would go wherever he sent me.

So the dream is about friendships - family - relationships - and living in the sunshine. In a hotel we have  a kitchen and the cooks. I first began to have dreams about hotels after the first mission to Israel. There were at least three dreams about hotels in Israel; and I did stay in a few hotels there. In 2006 and 2007.

During my life I have also stayed in small family owned hotels in Italy. Italy appears to be the main focus - the community - and so does Europe at this point in time. Further clarity of what I already knew to be true.

Teresa's brother was also prominent in the dream - as a great protector - and he was looking out for me. He had that protective look of concern on his face - when he looked in my direction - he was on my left.

In dream interpretation to dream of a brother is an objective dream. It indicates a dream of unity between brothers - and it can also indicate financial stability that the hotel also signified.

Hence the family and friends come together - and in so doing financial stability is established.

This dream also reminds me of Numbers 10 and what Moshe said when he asked a person not to leave the community. Numbers 10:31. That reminded me of a person that asked me not to leave the location where he was. Since then there has been numerous people passing over. In all cases - very serious circumstances.

I often wondered and reminded those people in that location - that they sit under the banner of a crescent moon - and just maybe they should reconsider what they chose. May Moshe ponder upon that - its implications; bearing in mind what has transpired. It is hardly conducive to the love and heat of the loving power of the sun.

In the dream there were two men; one was being protective of his sisters friend - the other was loving the feminine. The feminine was just being receptive to what was being given; and being offered by the two different men. Two men with completely different natures - backgrounds and life experience.



Numbers 10 is about the silver trumpets and so it is no coincidence that the British PM lives at number 10.

So what happens next in Numbers 10.

If you come with us, we will share with you whatever good things the Lord gives us.
So they set out from the mountain of the Lord and traveled for three days. The ark of the covenant of the Lordwent before them during those three days to find them a place to rest. The cloud of the Lord was over them by day when they set out from the camp.
Whenever the ark set out, Moses said,
“Rise up, Lord!
    May your enemies be scattered;
    may your foes flee before you.”
Whenever it came to rest, he said,
“Return, Lord,
    to the countless thousands of Israel.

The paint that I spread for Teresa and Michael - it looks like it has four paddles in it - a pink and gold cushion 

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