
Monday 24 November 2014

Luminaire Andy Inglis C5.Q93

Nostradamus provided a prophecy and it mentions a Scottish luminary. The prophecy C5.Q93 was featured on this blog in June 2014. Due to what has been happening in Scotland and I wondered who Nostradamus could be referring to. 

Then the other day I was given some smells and messages. One of the messages received was 'Mercury' and mercury is about the winged messenger and communications. 


Under the land of the round lunar globe,
When Mercury will be dominating:
The isle of Scotland will produce a luminary,
One who will put the English into confusion.

I just took a look at the word 'luminaire' and I found a Scotsman Andy Inglis. He opened a music venue called 'Luminaire' in 2005 - in Kilburn - North London; with co-founder John Donnelly a publican from Ireland.

Andy Inglis was the manager of 'Utah Saints' - 'Wet Wet Wet' and 'Travis'.
Funny how I kept on having dreams of a friend with the name of Travis.

Inglis also had a record label - the profile says that the club closed in 2011. 
However - the Camden Journal article was written in 2010.

The profile says that he spends a lot of time in Norway now - and he sometimes lectures at Oslo University.

I can feel the heat. Its hot! I wonder if Andy knows that this prophecy 

This is probably a different Inglis. However it did make me smile:

Disclosure 'You and Me ft Eliza Dolittle'

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