
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Pope -v- Pearl

Following on from the dream of Italy posted 'Teresa and Michael Hotel Dream'.

The pope is now in the news complaining to grandmother Europe. It looks like the Vatican thought that  the Virgin would save it - and that the spiritual would take the people back to the Church. So the pope that calls Europe 'haggard'. 'Less and less a protagonist in a world that regarded it with mistrust'. 'We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery'. 'The great ideas which once inspired Europe seem to have lost their attraction - only to be replaced with bureaucratic technicalities of its institutions". He said.

He described the continent of Europe as 'a grandmother - no longer fertile and vibrant'. 'risked slowly losing its own soul'. So says the Vatican - what does the Vatican know about the fertility of a woman -and what did they do to the indigenous women do you know.

Didn't the pope know about the woman of noble character or that the Son of David will come. Yea we know what happened to David and many others. What happened to the golden rule!

The pope has the audacity to speak to Europeans in such a way - when he is on his way to a Chrislam conference.

The fact is that the 1st - 2nd and 3rd watch did a brilliant job of spreading truth to those that were interested in it. It included information about the Catholic Church - its Vatican bank - and property portfolio in addition to its historical war against Sophia. Grandmother Sophia - the feminine.

A great Irish writer wrote about it and so did many others. The Celts were onto it - and the Canadian Kevin Annett has the support of Zion due to the fact that he supports the cause of the indigenous peoples.

So although the spiritual community have been very active during the 20th century with the 21st century being born in her wisdom. It has not been within the confines of the Catholic Church or any other church. True spiritual people comprehend that a warning was issued in the biblical text; to not build upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials. e.g. as in New Jerusalem - no buildings of worship.

The warning was also given that if his followers did do what they had been told not to do then they would burn in the flames. Just look at what is happening in America right now. I was reviewing the 'Michael Brown' post on this blog this morning and I first began to post about the 'end of the road' with the painting of bronzed feet on the 7th August. Then there was the drummer dream and the warning not to go to the Obama party. How much notice did America require!



Zion defends the 'oppressed'. Zion defended their cause. Making sure our children and grandchildren know the truth. The children of wisdom know my voice. They know when they see wisdom. As prophecy predicts now my children come.

To conclude; the fact of the matter is that the church became a 'merchant' and Jesus spoke clearly about the pearl that would come in the last days of the end times. He spoke of the wisdom and insight - and he knows that all her paths are peace. Yea wisdom had a fast didn't she. However - she's still the best return on investment and that is why Jesus spoke of the feminine that would come. Exactly as the prophecies predicted.

Rome doesn't like the righteousness of wisdom does it. The truth - its the end of the road for the Church its Vatican city; and the 'genocide' that Jesus warned us about in advance - when Benedict was elected.

ELOKIM is the strict judgement that has come upon the pope. In his words Jorge has judged himself for Jesus warned his followers 'to judge not or you shall be judged'. Best he retires with the rest of them.  The spiritual in Africa are not interested in Chrislam and Obama; Africa loves wisdom.

Only the saints -  the miracle workers have the authority to judge anyone. For the saints are justified by God. Did you get the message Rome. How many messages did the LORD have to send you.

See the one that spreads the paint arrived. The one that was entrusted to do what had to be done.

The banner has been raised for the nations.

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