
Thursday 27 November 2014

Pegasus Fastway

This video was  recommended for me today and it reminded me of the days when Pegasus first appeared in my life. It certainly took me up the fast way. So I welcome it being brought back to my remembrance before 2014 comes to a close. Two decades ago - amazing what transpired after that.

Such beauty - such elegance - such power and strength. As we know the white horse appears in many ancient texts from different cultures.

The fastway reminds me of wisdom's fast - it also reminds me off the fast track of spiritual psychology and the magnanimous love healing therapies that it contains. The wonderful and stunning results that were attained; when people were open to being helped by it.

All her paths are peace are true; and its great to fly through the heavens divinely as your soul soars in the healing of the power of love. The spiritual experiences are magnified - and become ever more awesome; the more effort that people put into the healing process. As Jesus said in 2011 'We're moving into awesomeness'. 

Sometimes I look at what some people have written - and I can see that even though truth was shared with them during the 90's there is still a lot of integration for a lot of people to do. As the integration of the teachings does manifest in the words that they write.

Onwards and upwards - sometimes you have to allow the people to come to their own conclusions about where they are on their spiritual journey. Sometimes people think they're one path when in fact the spiritual path is really different to what they might have thought. That is why it is important for it to unfold before and to be revealed to you.

The evidence shows yours truly -  that some have not gone deep enough - and some were not willing to look for the joy and treasure that the past offered. Nor did many comprehend the sheer importance of what was being shared; in relation to consciousness and its impact on humanity and its direction. 

So another opportunity comes again and again - until people are really ready to hear the truth. 

I wrote today of how the woman spoke to Jesus about the crumbs for the dogs. How I had given the crumbs to the dogs and also fed the birds with the seeds from the palm of hand that was offered.

How the film of Mary Poppins and its characters had an interesting involvement in my life. CHIM indeed - so funny how life evolved. From chimney sweeps to fireplaces - from building works and renovation of a Victorian house to Pegasus. A wonderful spiritual room - that had a piano that I now know was a reminder of Joseph and family gatherings and parties.

The wood grain piano still had its original brass candlesticks - and I bought it at an auction - as a decorative piece of furniture. It was cleaned up and was covered in spiritual realities. The people that bought the house bought the piano as well before Jordan and I left the UK.

Also interesting to me is how pegasus arrived - after our old English sheepdog wasn't living with us anymore. Life had certainly taken on a new phase and direction after the dog had licked it!

I had been brought out of the 'valley of death' - I had recovered. Been victorious and overcome.

It was during that time that I first met the Egyptians that came to live in the location where the flame of Joseph lived. Abraham was brought to the land of Joseph with his English wife.


So it is we have a new blog - and a new beginning that came into existence before the end of 2014. 

Fast tracking today - lots to do - and sort out. So may our dear pegasus carry me today - where I have to go to do - what I have to do.

This empath did feel a lot of 'sadness' today when I woke up. I was also shown what action was to be taken with the follow through in the community. I had to keep my word - to do what I said that I would do.

People have to realize that the delivery is serious - and it must be treated with respect. Just like I respected Pegasus. Experience shows us that only people that are respectful - truly honor what is divine. 

Did you comprehend what Jesus said to the merchant about the pearl and why he said it.

Jesus viewed the pearl as heavenly and of great worth.

Was a pearl brought into your life - what did it cost you - and at what point in your spiritual journey was it brought to you. Where did the pearl come from - do you know.

Were you a merchant that gave everything that you owned for the pearl - that is feminine in its nature of wisdom.

I can understand how some spiritual people must have felt; when they saw the pearl on my right hand after the return from Australia. Their response to wisdom could've even been unconscious. I did see a change in people then and to some I became invisible. Even walking down the street - some people that had known me for years socially - I had become invisible to them.

However - surely the Christian spiritual people knew what that ring and its seed pearl meant. Jesus was showing the people on the Galilee of the Gentiles that this is my true seed. This is the woman from heaven. Its no coincidence that Rev 12 began after that.

This is wisdom he predicted would come with insights.

Why was it so important to him - he knew that life depended upon its existence. 

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