
Friday 28 November 2014


The cupboard was bare - and I thought what can I have for dinner. The LORD responded 'Samosa's'.

So I looked at that pastry recipe again and it is basically flour and oil with some warm water. So samosa it was. Interesting in Burma it is 'samusa' clearly it has a link with the muses and the name moses.

Jesus spoke of the woman and the flour and oil in a heavenly context - Elijah spoke of the flour and oil and told the woman to make sure that she had plenty of it.

What else did I cook. The chicken bones were cooked for the stock for a chicken soup - and I also made soda bread as I did find a mix for it in the cupboard. There was a little veggies in the freezer so I put a little amount in a little water with some garlic - basmati rice and spices.

When cooked then put some of the drained chicken and ingredients inside the samosa's. So it was spicy chicken and vegetable samosa's. The rest of the ingredients including the barley orange were added to the chicken soup - so soup and samosa. A humble sabbath meal with content!  Everyday is the sabbath for a master of realities.

What happened next.

A discussion with an American in respect of why some Americans create what they do. His question was asking for views on why some prefer 'drama to content'.

The response was as follows:

I was invited to speak on an American conference call and give an interview. Afterwards Americans were allowed to ask questions. However - those that had invited this person to speak - then ended the conference call. They did not wish for Americans to hear the truthful responses that would ensure that some would take responsibility for co-creation. 'The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping'. from Sacred Words

Remember faithful and true!

A BBC 'drama documentary' about what happened in Russia was also shared. It was about the nuclear facility and the 'disaster.'  It was posted to show that a 'drama' in the UK is viewed differently to the American culture. In British television a 'drama' is usually historical - and it has serious content.

I watched the hour long documentary due it being about the 'nuclear disaster' and what happened - and it delivered some pertinent points. It features the story from beginning to end - those that designed and built the facility. Those that were involved in it - those that worked there - those investigating it - found the truth about it to be too 'horrifying' to contemplate.

After the event - even the scientist that had been involved in the investigation from the beginning; had been 'beaten into submission' by the politicians. The scientist was told 'You are not a scientist - you are a politician'.

It reminds me of the life of Jesus; and how some must have viewed him - and that is why Jesus did his utmost to help people to change their views of reality. His pure intention to bring peace and harmony to the world. Jesus would not build nuclear facilities - he would stand against those facilities; in the same way that the Son of Joseph did when he was on the planet. The flame of Joseph grew up by his side - just a little girl at the time. Did you honor him CND!

In the documentary - the scientist had to present the findings of his investigation to the international community; due to the international implications of what had happened in Russia. When the politicians read his report they told the scientist that his report would be re-written. That meant that what the scientist called the 'horrifying truth' would not be presented to the international community. At that point - the truth was not disclosed to the world due to the politicians involvement.

Do you remember what Jesus said about disclosure and how it would come into the light of day in the last days of the end times. It did come into the light of day - and the BBC documentary provides the content of the case for people to view.

The documentary shares with us that the investigating scientist 'committed suicide'. It would be interesting to hear the Russians view on that - and what research they have done in respect of the case. Whether in fact - he was taken out - to stop him sharing the truth with the world. As Jesus said 'The truth shall set them free'.

So what is to be done with those that view the truth as 'horrifying' for those that had no choice but to accept the 'horrifying' circumstances that they found themselves in. Acceptance doesn't mean that  a person has to embrace the politicians co-creation of the 'horrifying' circumstances in which humanity live.

That land where that nuclear facility was cannot be lived on for one hundred thousand years.

Did you get the pertinent point - did it prick the heart of your conscience America.


It is clear that when the 'truth is horrifying' that is when the politicians co-create the entertainment to stop humanity from engaging with the truth.

Some know the truth of that reality - yet the merchants chose their existing reality instead of defending the cause of peace and well-being on the planet.

For instance only those that have made peace with themselves can calmly look at Islam in-depth to investigate it. The same with Christians and what Rome co-created down the ages. Humanity like the easy life and the merchants encouraged humanity to live in such a way that they would become comfortable. That they would cease to become pioneers and innovators as Jesus was showing the people how to become; in their capacity to become healers of consciousness.

A pioneer that had taken his followers beyond the reality that they found themselves in. Hence Jesus told them 'not to be afraid' and 'not to worry'. Jesus knew as serious healers of righteousness do - that what the people held within themselves - would stop them from becoming activists to defend the people at the grass roots. Jesus defended Zion's cause - he defended the 'oppressed' in the best way that he knew how.

If and when people engage in past life healing work; they come to know that they have died in some 'horrifying' circumstances - and their consciousness has access to those memories that they brought with them to heal and purify this lifetime.

In our research of life experience of the science of being; we discovered that the people who died in such circumstances due to religion - were those that were most anti it - due to its co-creation. The same with spiritual people  - those most anti spirituality - were those that died in similar circumstances. That's why there are 'atheists' they have a past - and past life memories of what happened to them. With some it is due to what happened to them in this lifetime.

Healing is essential for everyone - for true peace to become a reality for individuals in the community.

To break the never ending cycles requires patience beyond measure. Only those that have already broken those cycles - have the ability to help others to do so. The liberators that liberated others were not military personnel America that 'executed' people. Julian Assange did an excellent job of bringing the truth to the world didn't he.

The true liberators were healers - just as I am a healer. Those that were blessed with the keys to the kingdom were 'enlisted' and had 'no entanglements' that could stand in the way of divine purpose.

Those that have been 'enlisted' can only be in relationship with those that have been 'enlisted' - due to the sheer importance of what the twice born came to deliver in divine intervention. We also know that the one that gets wisdom loves life - and that life depends upon the existence of wisdom. That is why the prophecies predicted that wisdom would come with insight. Did you purchase the pearl - what did it cost you.

So at the end of the day - it is still about enlightenment that springs from the well of peace. People have to experience it to truly comprehend it. So many times people have asked me to teach enlightenment.

Yet - what are they prepared to pay for wisdom. Remember what Jesus said about the merchant and the pearl.

What I have witnessed in the spiritual community is that people have read a lot. They understand the concepts written in the words. There is still a lot of integration to be attained. Not all spiritual people are healers of consciousness. Some view reality and the world through academic eyes. In the same way that many Christians often bury themselves in bible study. Or an exercise teacher will bury themselves in that.

In many ways 'atheists' exist in the same way. I see the libraries of books that they read and read and read. Yet - how did that enhance the lives of humanity - how did it stop nuclear facilities from being built. A woman that I know has read the 'Crime' and 'Horror' genre for most of her life. Yet - why does she not ask why she is drawn to such a reality.  For surely - it does have a meaning - if that is what a person chooses to put on their plate of consciousness on a daily basis.

Most people don't view themselves as having a purpose in life - until they find out what that purpose is. Some know that they have a purpose in life and yet due to their 'unhealed' past lives they stay where they are. Instead of healing and purifying the memories that enables the people to move on and get on with it.

Some people support and promote not revisiting the past. Yet in the past we find the treasure and the joy that it brings when the people have the integrity to access it. Healing for me was so joyful - it brought so much happiness - when I solved another aspect to be healed. The repertoire increased wonderfully - as the most perfect symphony.

The wondrous woman from heaven arrived. How many truly appreciated it.

Some people chose to 'die' instead in 'horrifying' circumstances.

So does it make sense to you that the nations that most supported Jesus dying in 'horrifying' circumstances manifested what America became.

It took the Russian disaster to change the hearts of the people. Yet - they still build nuclear facilities and - this time on water.

No Russia - not on our watch! No more nuclear facilities - no more nuclear disasters.

All nuclear facilities must be closed down.

Righteousness arrived!


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