
Saturday 8 November 2014


Today an alarm was going off all day, so a local pensioner who also became a Leiki healer came to see if the alarm was to do with me. She listens to the signs, and hears them. The second time she came to see wisdom today, the alarm had stopped and she delivered a 20 pound note. 

She asked yours truly to spend her gift on food, and to view it as an early Christmas present. Do you remember, that I had a dream of being given a 20 pound note. 

However, the healer today, invited me to come over to hers anytime. It is a yes! She is known to be a follower of Jesus, and with the spiritualist Church, she helped the children of the nile in Egypt. 

The Egyptian Christian children, the boys in the orphanage were her mission of compassion and mercy. It came to be after the bodhisattva launched Angels Healing Trust. A mission of compassion and mercy, to help children. At that time, I gave her some meditation CDs to help her to raise money for her mission of compassion.

Truly, the leiki healer is worthy of the worthy, and has stayed true to her own heart, that is compelled by love. She stayed true to Jesus and his compassionate and merciful heart, for the spiritual community of healers, and the children we do our utmost to defend. She defended daughter Zion's cause. May the healer and her family, receive blessings in abundance for her giving.

The note that she gave me was folded in half and then half again. It created the shape of the pillar, and I remember that she was with me in the dream of the pillar in 2007, when my name ELIAKIM was inscribed in gold upon the obsidian. We saw it together in the lucid dream. 

As we know, the book of Revelation mentions the pillar, and she knows that during the life of wisdom, she has protected others, and been a pillar of strength for the spiritual community. The healer is also aware, of at least one of the miracles. 

The fact that she is a leiki healer, reminds us of what Jesus said the other day when he said, 'The samurai are ready'. 

The numeric of 20 can be a number of judgement. However, in Judaism, judgement was to raise people up, just like the name ELIAKIM means, god raised up. 20 is also a call for action. Just like the alarm going off today. The first alarm stopped at about at six o'clock. Then another alarm began, at 21.26. It is shabat and the 7th of November, is the 'Day of Discovery'. 21 = 21st century was born in wisdom, and 26 is the gematria of the name of God. 

Both of us, our physical bodies born on the planet in the 20th century, we comprehend what it was like for children that grew up in poor families, after the war, and war time rationing of food. Europeans understand that much more than many Americans do in that respect. 

It happened on our soil, it impacted on generations of our children, and their lives. Maybe that is why we consider food, and what we eat more seriously, than many Americans do. Our plates are much smaller in comparison, and the British people tend to eat a lot less as a nation. 

I shared with the healer that I had been working with 'Unlocking Brut Force', and its archetypes, and she was pleased, and confirmed, that it fits in with planetary configurations. As we know, that 'Brut Force', also impacted on England's team leader of ecological self-sustainability, David Green. As the prophecies predicted, David shepherded them with integrity of heart. His gentle and tender heart was impacted upon. 

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