
Friday 7 November 2014


For my birthday in 2013, I was given a bottle of champagne by a long term friend. I wrote at the time of how I don't like champagne. I can see now that the champagne was giving me a message about the 'BRUT'.

Then in recent days we were given another message. The revelation of the prophecy from Nostradamus that concerns the 'Pig Half-Man', the 'Brute Beasts' speaking, that 'one that would hear brute beasts talking'.

Currently, America has a biblical plague of monumental implications for the food chain, running amok upon its land. A biblical plague of 'Pigs', that Americans call 'Hogs'. They're giants and some of them are 12 feet long.

In 2013, I began receiving paintings of 'pigs'. Did anyone ask why. Did they comprehend the message when I posted that America would be humbled.

Champagne came from France, and so did the fragrance 'BRUT.' As we know historically, France has been a Catholic country = Vatican. The men's fragrance launched by Faberge, was taken over by UNILEVER.

In 2007, the LORD said to wisdom, 'You have the lever to get them out of the mire'.

29th July 2014,  I wrote about the 'Bare Knuckle Pick Ups'.


Footballer Kevin Keegan and Boxer, Henry Cooper

The campaign that encouraged men to be 'Brut'. 
"Boxing = Fighting"
Children aspired to be like their champions.

When spirituality was arising, I can see how the archetype of the 'BRUT' was put into human consciousness of man, and that is why we're now unlocking it. The original ad campaign also included the words 'Essence of Man', as such, it was telling every man, that his essence is that of a 'Brut', is that true guys.

Let me ask you this, was Jesus a 'Brute' or a 'Healer'. The power of magnanimous love to heal the nations. ALEKI! Wisdom, all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3.

Did Jesus drink champagne or did he drink wine.


So we have France = Catholics = Vatican = NT. The KJV copyright is owned by Elizabeth II, who sits in Buckingham Palace with her entourage. Remember what scripture said about those that live in palaces, and what you find within those palaces. 

The 'Brute' is also mentioned in scripture, in 2 Peter 2:12 and Jude 1:10.

When I wrote about the 'Peter Pan and Ryan Prophecy', this week, the LORD spoke of 'Peter, Paul and Mary'. What happened to Paul, the best man at my wedding. The British police force mowed him down in their police car. The 'Brut force'. 

What happened to Aunt Mary, two aunts with the name Mary. 'Brut Force'. When Mary was young she and Sophia both worked in what was known as 'service'. They were paid servants that served the rich families, who lived in large houses were their family came from.


Their mother left the family home, and married the footman. She married for love. As such, she was ostracized, and her children grew up in poverty. Her husband was then 'killed' by the 'Brute Force' of a carriage. Was it an 'accident',  or 'intentional'. She then married again, and afterwards her second husband died in the war along with most of her sons. As far as I remember, there was only one that survived the war, and Sophia used to speak of her brother.

The women in my family, used to say that I was most like Mary, Sophia's sister was an Aquarian water bearer. She was my great aunt, and she passed over when I was young.

Mary and her husband Bill, used to take me sightseeing, and to the theatre to see cartoons when I was a child. They lived next door to Sophia, and Sophia married a milkman. He had a French heritage, French name, and had his own dairy.

He was also involved in boxing, due to family connections. The fact that he owned a dairy, prior to becoming a postman. Could indicate that the French side of the family, came from a farming background. 

In this location an alarm has been going off all day. Interesting! 

A lot happened didn't it, and the Vatican gave us the story of Lazarus and what happened to him.

It doesn't take rocket science to work out what happened to the healer. He was clearly a disciple of Jesus. Ever read 2 Corinthians 6, it is certainly a reminder.

Environment, nature, and nurture. Those that took their true light and power of love out into the community, were faced with, and experienced the 'Brut Force'. Does it remind you of the Rev 12 timeline England. How about you America and Micah 4, when daughter Zion was sent to thresh. 

Picking up again, on the Nostradamus prophecy where did we hear the 'Brute Beasts talk'. 

Chat lines, American conference calls, some of the rap songs, some of the films, TV.

Police station UK, both male and female officers. Football matches.

As I have said before, they will pay in the end.

The British Metropolitan Police Force have just been sued for 425,000 due to an environmentalist unwittingly having a baby with an undercover police officer. Ten more women are in the process of suing the 'Brut Force', and it includes animal rights activists. Go for it rainbow warriors! Go for it ladies.

It makes you wonder, if the footman that married the mother of Sophia and Mary, was actually working undercover. Bearing in mind that it was a time of spiritual growth, and women from wealthy families, were doing their utmost to help the poor.

Remember this, our David Green from this land of Joseph, shepherded the rainbow warriors and his people with integrity of heart. The flame of Joseph of magnanimous power of love. 

Who invests in UNILEVER, the champagne drinkers. Who support and stand with the police force, the champagne drinkers. Who finance the politicians that create modern day governments, the champagne drinkers, and they have the audacity to call themselves Christians and a Christian nation.

Didn't some Christians become stock brokers America. Didn't they make it possible, for elderly ladies to give their money to the corporations.

Did you know that the 'Brut Force' is a corporation, and it can be found in the nations. The Vatican is a corporation, and a bank that owns land, property, hotels, etc etc. How much money did you give to those that took Jerusalem by 'Brut Force'. 

Is the Church ready to give back what it took, or shall we build New Jerusalem and replace it with a truly holy city, an eternal abode for the saints of love and light. Did you know that there are 12 pearls at the gates of New Jerusalem, and salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

I pondered on the French, and how mum explained how the French ancestors came to England during the French revolution. Why did they leave France, it was clearly due to a revolution of 'Brut Force' that was co-creating 'destruction', that Nostradamus had predicted would come upon it. 

He was the greatest seer that France ever had, and he is honored internationally by true seers that can see clairvoyantly. He was clearly an overseer, and remote viewer that could see into the future.

He was also a healer that worked with flower essences, vibrational medicine. How many people write about Nostradamus the healer.

Was he a great seer due to his Jewish heritage, it certainly would have had an impact on him, as did what the Church were doing in France at the time.

Its clear from his newly discovered writings, that he knew about the Arab Isis plan, and that he was friends of Arabs, that were also mystics. There was a sharing amongst the mystics, from different spiritual backgrounds and philosophies. The true mystics knew what was being co-created.

What did the Church manifest in France, a revolution, that kept them in power in Rome. The same Vatican that was involved in WW2, and was laundering money for the Germans. Hand in hand with the grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Islam and the Vatican were doing their utmost to eradicate the Jewish people, that supported the renewal of the ancient land of Israel for the Jewish people.

The same is happening in France again, this time, Jewish people are leaving and some are going to Israel. Some French artists have gone to Russia. The French can see the writing on the wall, and how Islam managed to get a stronghold in France. Clearly helped by the communists and liberals. In France, Islamic men are on their knees praying, lining the streets of France.

Are you listening Russell Brand, did they Khan you. Did they Khan the Brand.

Yea, 'Guy Fawkes', another archetype of that age and era. See how the anonymous group have co-created an archetype, and how its manifesting on the streets. See what they've put into human consciousness, and Russell Brand is supporting the archetypes. 

I tried to contact Russell via his agent, typically, there was no response. On his tube videos he has put the 'White Dog', have you seen that film about the 'White Alsation Dog', that had been trained to 'attack'.

In 2011, I had a lucid dream of a 'White Alsation Dog' and a 'Poodle'. There was a woman with two dogs in the dream and the little white poodle had to be disciplined.  Now that little white poodle reminds me of that JIFF dog in LA.

Interesting that Russell Brand also likes LA, and they gave Russell a copy of Carl Jung's RED BOOK.

Now back to the alarm going off all day. A spiritual neighbor heard the alarm going off, and came to check if I was OK. When the alarm stopped she arrived with a 20 pound note and said, 'buy some food, think of it as an early Christmas present'.

Do you remember the 20 pound note dream, and in the dream the 20 pound note was folded into a small square. A square note!

I noticed that this 20 pound note was folded in half, and half again, making the shape of a column, a pillar. The giving pensioner, who I have known since the 90's on the galilee of the gentiles, also invited me to go over to hers, if I would like to do so. Hence, its a YES!

Now she is a true follower of Jesus, the worthy that helped the worthy. She is also a healer, and enjoyed the bodywork that a colleague gave to her over the years. There was a great sharing between the two people, and she also gave the bodyworker healing as well.

It was a mutual exchange of healers working together, to help each other. When she arrived, I explained that I was in the process of doing an edit of this blog post. She was pleased to hear of the 'Unlocking of the Brut Force', and she could relate to it.

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