
Saturday 8 November 2014


After the dream of 20 pound note that was folded in a square, I asked the musicians to give me a squared note. After that a member of the community, JIF had written about the concern regarding publications, and what was happening to the heritage of the nations.

Then today, I was given a 20 pound note and it had a double fold. Folded in half and then half again, forming a pillar shape. The pillar is also mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Synchronicity, or just in alignment.

When I took a look to see what there is on the 'double-fold'. It is the title of a non-fiction book.

Double Fold: Libraries and the Assault on Paper authored by Nicholson Baker. First published in April 2001 and it is about the fate of at least 39 million dollars of originals, that have left American libraries. How due to the microfilming boom in the 80's and 90's, many original editions are now gone.

The author wrote, 'We have lost intellectual content, as a direct result of our massive effort to preserve it' (p260) The second major wave of book wastage and mutilation, comparable to the microfilm wave but potentially much more extensive, is just beginning' (p247).

Do you ever ponder upon the possibility, that there is a conspiracy. And one day in the future to remove the microfilm altogether. Eradicating the heritage of the nations. Haven't civilizations done that previously, and is it true, that orthodox Muslims would like to bring down the pyramids in Egypt. Who blew up the ancient statue of Buddha in Afghanistan. Did you know that the Chinese are taking over that area, due to the fact that there is oil there.

I remember when the LORD spoke to me of the ancient texts in 2009, and the heavenly Father said, 'You are the curator of the ancient texts, preserve them well'.

Now a male friend that was living in America had over 4,000 books. Michael M Mauldin, was an anthropologist and university lecturer. University professors had left him an inheritance, from their personal libraries and wine cellars.

In 2009, Michael asked me to find a home for those books, because he was finally ready to move on. We discussed the possibility, of them going to a biblical scholar if he had room. However, at that point we had begun to move forward with the project for New Jerusalem, and housing them there would've have been their final home.

Michael had given strict instructions prior to his passing, that if anything, ever happened to him. I was to be told immediately. They didn't even let me know that he had passed over. After I contacted the woman that had been contacting me about her daughter. She then promised that she would keep me fully informed of what was happening with Michael's estate. I never heard from her again.

Do Christians in America, that are in business, have any integrity of heart.

Is it any wonder that wisdom had a fast.

Michael's story is such a big and massive story, that it has to be unlocked. He used to say to yours truly, 'you are dauntless'. Is that another reason why the alarms are going off today, and again tonight.

Michael shared with me, that the fire and police services in Marietta, didn't respond to Michael's business premises, when those alarms were going off. Nor did they investigate after he asked them to do so. Isn't it time we unlock that 'Brut Force'.

I was invited to do a conference call interview, on it, for an American network. It stayed up on the website for a long time, and then when I looked for it recently, it had been removed. You know why don't you. The legal representative is involved now, and they left a message on this blog to contact them. Maybe I should ask the police force in the UK to contact them, and ask for a full investigation, of what happened to a man who held a British passport.

When I phoned Marietta police, they refused to investigate why a rich man had practically starved to death, in a huge house, with all his services cut off. Michael had been dead for three weeks, prior to them finding him. Even though he had made phone calls asking for help.

It is clear to wisdom, that those university professors, gave those books to Michael for safekeeping.

They were fully aware of what was happening with the microfilming, and what the intention in the future was. Michael also knew, and that is why he shared so much in the public domain. He could cite papers and books, like he was a walking compendium. He had memorized so much, to help the younger generations in the community.

The second alarm went off at exactly 21:26, the time that was on my computer clock.

The date given for Michael's passing was 26th June, 2010.


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