
Monday 3 November 2014

Barley Orange Soup

In mainland Europe. Portugal, 'diabetes, heart, and colon cancer' are serious conditions for the nation, a nation that eats a lot of meat.

So what do people require in their diet, a barley orange soup.  Pearl Barley is our Vitamin E champion and it is recorded in scripture that Jesus spoke of the 'Finest Pearls'. So what are you giving your children to eat in mainland Europe. Are you feeding your children with a lot of meat, or are they receiving a balanced diet. What are the root causes of diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer do you know. Each case is unique, however. You can find some commonalities when you investigate different diseases with different people.

Your bodies were made to process food, not eat processed food. Historically, there weren't any sugar plantations in mainland Europe, so where did the people get their natural sugar content. From fruit, not sugar. Your bodies were given a metabolism to utilize the 'fats' including animal fats for energy for the body.

However, the extent of sugars in the processed foods of modern day society as switched the metabolism of the people into a 'sugar' burning reality, eg using sugar for energy instead of your own 'fat'. People are born to be lean, healthy and strong. If you are overweight, or underweight, then your body is asking you to look at what are you eating, and what is going on inside your body.

The scientists also found that 'anger is the biggest predictor of heart disease', it begs the question, how much meat have you been eating, and how much 'anger' does the meat of the animals contain. Dr Paul Pearsall (author of Hearts Code) also discovered that people that had a heart transplant inherited the memories of the person, that they received the heart from.

When he researched other organ transplants he found the same thing had happened. So when you are eating meat, do you really know what you are eating, and what you are inheriting from that meat. Do you know the true extent of that meat on your body and mood. Is the meat organic, or was the animal 'angry' with humanity for most of its life. How calm and peaceful is what you are eating. Do you really know how good the food is. Do you know what memories it carries, what its vibrational frequency or signature is.

Wisdom is a tree of life and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3


Barley contains tocotrienols, powerful antioxidants. Toctrienols fight heart disease in two ways. One, they help stop free radical oxidation, a process that makes low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the dangerous type, more likely to stick to artery walls. And two, they act on the liver to reduce the body's production of cholesterol.

Barley contains lignans, compounds that have antioxidant ability and thus provide still more protection. According to Lilian Thompson PhD, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Toronto, lignans can help prevent tiny blood clots from forming, further reducing the risk of heart disease. 

Barley is exceptionally high in both selenium and Vitamin E. "Barley is also loaded with beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that forms a gel in the small intestine. Cholesterol in your body binds to this gel, which is then secreted from the body. Soluble fiber does more than cholesterol. It also bind stop potential cancer-causing agents in the intestine, keeping them being absorbed. And because soluble fiber soaks up lots of water in the colon, it helps digestion work more efficiently."


Bodhisattva Barley Orange Soup

This new soup, was lovely, wisdom was very gentle with its ingredients, as I have a friend with IBS, and I would like her to try this. It would also be ideal for anyone with Crones, to try, and see, how they get on with it. Its excellent for the intestines.

4 cloves of garlic
Olive oil
Half an onion cut and sliced
Half of a large wine glass of barley
2 teaspoons of coriander
1 teaspoon of turmeric
Sprinkle of red chili powder (to your taste)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 litre of orange juice

Saute garlic and onions together. Put in the pan add the pearl barley and at least four times the amount of water, lots of water with barley. Keep adding more water if the soup requires it. Add your spices and salt and pepper to taste. When the pearl barley is nearly cooked, add a litre of orange juice and keep simmering it. My son bought me a carton of orange juice so I used that for this soup.

The soup is incredibly filling, although you could also serve it with little herb dumplings, if your body is OK with flour. For the elderly, and women in menopause, eat little and often. I'm sure babies would like it as well.

The ingredients makes plenty for four people as a starter, or two as a main course. You can also freeze it, if the quantity is more than you require on one day. Barley does swell a lot, so it does make a lot of good healthy food for you. It is an essential ingredient in every diet.

Now all those women that are putting expensive Vitamin E creams on their faces, what about the inside of your bodies. And Palm Oil also has those T's, so get to it. You could even saute the garlic and onions in a little palm oil, if you have some in stock.


  1. I kept the barley orange in the fridge overnight and it was even more delicious today. It reminded me of an Indian lentil dish. This evening I sprinkled cheese over it, and I have a few more ideas, for more recipes with barley. So watch this space!


  2. So what's for dinner, Barley Orange pancakes with almond essence and ground almonds.


  3. Actually, they more like Latkes, as I put the cooked barley orange in with the pancake mixture.
