
Tuesday 4 November 2014


In August, in the 'Cuddles Dream', the man of science that kissed my head twice, spoke of JB, and there was a third man in a room down the corridor, from the connecting room.

Today it has come to light that JB is linked into Reiki.

In the biblical prophecies it predicted that 'One would become a thousand' and that happened in the 90's  when wisdom supported and promoted a humble Reiki Master Teacher.  From one talented young man, a thousand students were trained in the Japanese healing art. Wisdom provided a return on investment exactly as Proverbs 3 predicted.

On the tombstone of Dr Usui, the founder of Reiki in Japan, it is written that he trained 2000 students. From Japan it came to the West, and then it spread across the planet. Dr Usui called Reiki the 'Science of Happiness'. It certainly brought a lot of happiness into the lives of the people that practiced it, including yours truly, with the power of its love beyond measure.

I also became a teacher of it, and my students are in different locations in the world. Some even travelled from abroad to train with wisdom. I took the journey very slowly, and enjoyed it magnificently. Practicing the healing art for five years, prior to becoming a teacher of it, and then teaching it a year later.

I was blessed to teach and provide Reiki training courses to students for five years. Some of those students and teachers continued to receive information from wisdom for over a decade.

One of the Reiki historians, Frank Arjava Petter shared with us that in Japan they do not pronounce Reiki with an 'R'. It is pronounced, LEIKI.

In the history of the story of the Japanese healing art, students in the West, were originally told that a woman from Hawaii was cured of a terminal illness in Japan, and she was so impressed with this healing art, that she returned to Hawaii to give healing, and teach Westerners how to do it. However, what else is there to say about it. As a lot as happened since I've been away from keeping up with the latest Leiki developments.

It is written that, a 19th century scholar, Mikao Usui earned a doctorate of theology at the University of Chicago. Usui was raised as a samurai from childhood, specifically in the martial arts techniques of aiki.

Now the other day, Jesus spoke and he said 'The Samurai are ready'. 

Interesting that in the source link of Usui's profile, there is no mention of Robert Jefford in the citations. Robert is also a Reiki historian, and was chairman of the Reiki federation for some years. He grew up in Japan, and has university degrees in Japanese and theology. In addition to being a teacher of martial arts, he says that he was trained in Reiki by one of Dr Usui's original students.

I met Robert with a colleague at a London Healing Arts exhibition, the weekend of Princess Diana's funeral. Robert picked yours truly out of the crowd and we had coffee together. At that time, I shared with Robert that I had been given a golden symbol directly, and I drew what I had seen.  He smiled, and shared with me that it was the symbol of JOY!

I have only seen him a couple of times since then, and that was prior to the first mission to Israel in 2006.  He knows how to contact me if he is compelled to do so.

In Hawaii we find the name LEIKEIN, and apparently it means JESSE. The name Jesse is to with Israel and the father of King David. In the Vatican there is a Jesse fresco, and in it, you will see the archframe.

I am sitting inside the archframe, and David (who passed over in October 2013) is sitting behind me.

The biblical prophecies shared with humanity that 'David shepherded them with integrity of heart'.

This integrity of heart, certainly gave Leiki to David and a lot more. David Green was certainly exalted by the Most High, as the prophecies predicted that he would be. All for the glory of God.

In Hebrew we find the word, Lehi and we also find the word 'ALEKI'  = J.B.

The link above says that LEK means 'on you', and LAKA means 'to you'.

In Greek it is written that ALEKI is feminine and it means 'man's defender', 'protector'. In the prophecies wisdom is also feminine, and it is written that wisdom will protect you.

Proverbs 3 confirms that all her paths are peace, and LEIKI is certainly peaceful, for well-being and it is a pathway of enlightenment, for those that stay on it, and where it leads.

LEIKI is certainly a defender of the body, due to its love beyond measure, and I have witnessed miracles happen, during and after treatment.

In Hebrew-Aramaic ALEKI can also mean 'brilliance' or 'exalted'.

There are male and female healers, practitioners and teachers spread around the world and there are also plenty of branches from the original seeds, that created new trees.

So I wonder who the younger man was sitting in that room, in the dream. My son did the first degree when he was just 14 years old and the first letter of his name is J.  However, he hasn't practiced it, and he only did one day of his level 2. He shaved his head again like a Buddhist monk this week, and he has the most wonderful mop of thick black hair.

In our family, the boys got the best hair, although Sophia had the most beautiful thick hair. She kept it long, in a bun, right up to before her passing. Its like she was happy to pass over, once she knew I had the message, and she saw that I wore my long hair in a bun sometimes. She didn't live long enough to see her grand-daughter marry, she did live long enough to see the Buddhist bun.

The way that things unfold before you.

As far as what is written on Dr Usui's profile, as far as Reiki and Christianity is concerned, some of the techniques can certainly be found in the bible. So clearly, Jesus and his followers were practicing this ancient healing art, that had been delivered by the Buddhists in Egypt and other regions of the Middle and Far East. The symbology can also be found in Tibet.

The bible tells people that Jesus spent time in Egypt, and it is clear that he spent time in the healing temples. Joseph, coat of many colors was a healer and it is clear that Prophet Isaiah was also involved in teaching the mystics salvation. As the biblical prophecies predicted, salvation is at the gates of daughter Zion.

I recommend that Christians read a book titled, 'The Original Jesus', the Buddhist sources of Christianity. Authors, Elmar R. Gruber and Holger Kersten.

A quote from its epilogue, 'The Church, which can no longer simply shut itself off from the arguments concerning Buddhist elements in Christianity, has recently been attempting to appear understanding, extending one hand and simultaneously warding off with the other. In a book on Buddha and Christ recently published by the Vatican university, it is said: 'The truths preached by the Buddha are Providence's preparation for the pronouncement. They involve enlightenment within human beings, and require the revelation of Christ for their fulfillment' Page 242.

Big smiles!

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