
Friday 31 October 2014


So this morning I have a dream of IAM, followed by the Son of Joseph, the RAB, a younger man and I, were in a large boardroom with lots of business people.



Now there is news of the VIRGIN Galatic Space Ship Two crashed in the Mojave desert.

The BBC report that 'Kern County Sheriff's spokesman told the Reuters news agency the craft's co-pilot was killed, while the pilot ejected and as was seriously injured'.

It makes you wonder when Richard Branson from the land of Joseph will get the message.

First his home 'burned down.' Then his trains were 'derailed', and now this the third event. Or is it the fourth event. Didn't one of his balloons go down as well, and the plane.

The mention of Kern County is interesting. Yesterday, I posted the 'Red Hair' painting that was spread in 2012, prior to the prophecy regarding the 'shooting' in Kern County. The tall child involved in that 'shooting' in January 2013, had long hair like an Italian. He was also well-built. The 'Kilowatt Prophecy', that became known as the 'Kern County Prophecy' was given the night prior to the event. The child was only 16 years old, and it was written that he would be sentenced as a man.

I wonder what did Richard Branson do to help that child. Or is he more interested in growing Californian wines, flying in balloons and providing galatic flights for celebrities.

In 2010-2011, I wrote quite a lot about Richard Branson and the Mojave Desert.

How humble Americans were being driven out of their homes. Some of us had a decent conversation about what was happening there. There is water in those hills, it is Indian country, not Branson country.

Earlier today, while I was responding to an organic farm. I also saw a turquoise light appear on my right side at eye level.  Turquoise is also a color associated with the American Indians.

A couple of days ago, I spread the paint for an English mother. In the centre of the mandala is a golden cross created with golden fish.

In the golden fish, you can clearly see the Virgin holding the baby. There is fruit all around her, and then there is the green leaves for healing the nations. The background to the mandala, is white, surrounded by a turquoise water colored sacred hoop. The color of transformation.

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