
Friday 31 October 2014

Son of Joseph Dream

I had another dream, and in the dream I had been talking to a person that goes by the name 'IAM' and he listened intently, to what was being shared.


Paint spread in 2014

In the next cameo of the dream, I was upstairs walking into a large room. It was like a large board or conference room and the room was filled with light. There were lots of business people in the room standing some distance away from me. Close to me was the Son of Joseph. He looked wonderful dressed in a tweed suit, smiling and happy. Its so wonderful to see him again, the RAB. 

Next to the Son of Joseph another man was standing with us. He was younger than the RAB, and he was also tall and wearing a tailored suit. He looked like the man that appears in many of my dreams. He had hair like an Italian, and he was well-built. He had a beautiful face. 

On a personal level, I am so happy to see dad again, alive, active and a living reality in the spiritual world of the divine. The dream tells me, that I am back in the boardroom, and now some decisions can be made. A room where many conferences are held, and many discussions between people.

In the dream the Son of Joseph was standing at the side of the other man. The younger man was standing on his right, to my left. Clearly, the Son of Joseph has made his choice known, and is working with the man that he was happy with.

In dream interpretation, if you find yourself in a 'strange' room that is reasonably well furnished, it can signify sudden success. The room was filled with light, and there were large windows where the light was coming in. 

A conference either business or professional, predicts profitable news, increased responsibilities. To dream of a spiritual or religious conference can indicate a rise in social status. As far as I am aware, the RAB never ever went to any spiritual or religious conferences. Nor do I view the room in the dream as such, as their wasn't any indication to indicate that. 

The venue, the room that I saw looked like it was in a building for business professionals, and everyone was well-dressed. 

When I woke up, after the dream.

I felt compelled to share the words of scientist Rupert Sheldrake on remote viewing.

''The results were independently replicated in an extensive series of remote viewing experiments at Princeton University, with a very positive overall result, with statistical odds against chance of 100 billion to one".

The research proved that remote viewing works. Another conclusion that the researchers came to was that only a 'minority of the unselected volunteers proved to consistently successful. Remote viewing, like mathematical ability or musical talent, is not shared to an equal degree by everyone but is relatively rare'. Quotes from Rupert's book, 'The Sense of Being Stared At'. 

I like Rupert Sheldrake, and have supported his work decades ago.

However, wisdom does not agree with everything that he says, or writes. Due to my divine experiences of the different divine disciplines and spiritual gifts. As far as I am concerned, clairvoyance and mediumship are different disciplines, with different disciplines, within the discipline, with different responsibilities.

Clairvoyance and remote viewing are different disciplines with different disciplines within it; due to the different purposes of the different disciplines. 

To give you an analogy: You can go to university and look at what training courses they are offering in science. How broad is that scope, with different universities providing different training in different sciences.

It is the same with the divine. There are different departments, for different skills for different divine purposes. Scientists how would you feel, if I lumped all of your science and experiments together, and wrote that there was no difference between any of you, your natural talents and skills. How would you feel, if I said that there were no difference between the sciences, or those working within them.

People are unique, although they may have visited the same room. The Son of Joseph did visit a humble Christian Spiritualist Church, his wife did take him to a transfiguration class. It was that which transformed him, from being an 'atheist' to becoming a believer in life after death and the divine.

He saw the face of Joseph, his dad who had passed over. That is what transformed him.

Biblically, Jesus was also transfigured when he saw Moses and Elijah. 

When the RAB was as healthy and happy, as I saw him in the dream. He was working at Times Newspapers in London. He was a professional in the department of industrial relations.

He proved, that a person can be a professional, yet still be a believer. He has also proven in the last 22+ years, that he has the ability to contact his daughter and appear before her, whenever he wishes to do so. The sheer power of love beyond measure. 

The dream also indicates to wisdom, that the Son of Joseph has chosen to guide business people in the board room, who can impact on industrial relations. He is utilizing his life experience, to help others to make the right decisions to help the people. He speaks to them, in the way that they can understand and appreciate what he is saying to them. Of course, officials from the trade unions also sat in those board rooms and he knew trade union law like the back of his hand.

When you are being guided by a guardian angel, as the Son of Joseph. It is due to a divine purpose for being. Both the guardian angel, and the person or persons that they have chosen to work with, is for divine purpose. The RAB was a great teacher, and lectured at Ruskin College on trade union law. He loved people, and he loved life, most of all he loved children. The life and soul of every party.

The Son of Joseph defends daughter Zion's cause, in the way that he has been ordained to do.

In many ways he is a saint, and he used to say that the sun shines on the righteous.


  1. Virgin Galatic Space Ship Crash

  2. Explosions in office blocks in Paris.

    The RAB liked Paris, his honeymoon was there.
