
Saturday 11 October 2014


Israel were pre-warned, that when they stopped receiving emails from yours truly, that was the time to be concerned.

The news is that after 'Yom Kippur', swastikas were sprayed on a Jewish fraternity house at Emory University. Atlanta Georgia.

Jewish youth soccer team from Manchester in England 'quits the game' after anti-Semitic taunts.

Come Manchester Maccabi team, come heal and learn about magnanimous love and its power.

They wear the 'Star of David' on their shirts and David mentioned in Isaiah 7, and Psalm 89, passed over in October 2013. This month is the anniversary of the passing of David John Green. It is written that they found David hanging on an oak tree. May the oaks of righteousness spring up due to his passing. The acorns of love that David and the anointed one planted.

Manchester Maccabi, next time have some Elijahs' Fire for your shirts.


Do they have the dove of peace on their doors, do they have a lily of peace in their rooms.

"The one who gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper".

Did they comprehend the words delivered by Prophet Hosea, and how the LORD would send a woman to Israel. That happened in May 2006, the prophecy was fulfilled, and a holy gathering was called in Northern Israel. The scroll of remembrance was given to the flame of Joseph. Joseph is a fruitful vine, it climbs over every wall.

Daughter Zion was also sent to America, as featured in Micah 4. There yours truly met with an anthropologist from Georgia.

This is beautiful, from 2012, from the temple of emanu-el in San Jose.

One might ask why won't youtube let me upload this video.

It was the same with Michael's video of his beautiful artistic artwork.

Why is youtube being selective on what we can upload to our blogs, and what we can't.

Something is going on.

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