
Saturday 11 October 2014

Emanuel Third Seal

In recent days, we shared that the word 'Emanu' in Hebrew and Aramaic means 'Our Mother'. While I was sharing the power of the love of Jesus was hot with me. Again, when posting this song and sharing the information again, he was hot with me again. He is giving confirmation, that what is written is true.

Isaiah 7, mentions a mother and child being the sign for David. That sign that David received, the picture of the mother and child was featured on my previous website, Angels Healing Trust, when David John Green and many others first contacted me. At that time, I was not aware of its importance in biblical prophecy. Mashiach Kum has been a 'Leper to the house of study', as predicted, in more ways than one. The Creator had a plan for innocence, he had a divine plan for wisdom, and his noble woman of character.

As Proverbs 3 explains, she gives the best return on investment. One became a 1,000 is true, where wisdom is concerned, the least amongst the healers, were given the praise and support of wisdom. The healers, our holy family that Jesus blessed in our sacred spaces of healing the people, and teaching the people how to become healers, of both humans and animals.

Isaiah 7, mentions a land with two kings, and there have been two leaders in the British government, prior to the passing of David Green in 2013. In 2012, David had been honored as Britains leader of ecological self-sustainability. This month is the anniversary of his passing, the media wrote that they found him hanging on an oak tree. Psalm 89.

The king of Assyria is mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah 7, and it is written that Assad did his postgraduate degree at an eye hospital in London in 1994. Hence, the timeline is specific, in respect of when the mother and child would be seen in the galilee of the gentiles, the other side of when Jordan had been born in the West. Divine intervention.

Jordan was born in January, 1983, he is a double Aquarian, another water carrier, and in biblical prophecy, the water carriers serve Israel.

The name 'Emanuel', the name of an angel, and the third seal. The black horse and the scales that appears in the book of Revelation.

Yesterday, I was at the hospital, and the specialist said that my tendon has made a recovery, I just have to have pads in my boots to aid the flat feet, to aid the support of the back and its posture. However, the pads on the soles of my feet are still sore, if I tip toe on them in bare feet. Hence, I cannot wear high heels.

On the way back from the hospital, I got off the bus to have a little walk in the sunshine and to pick up some more paper and paint. I also found a large bottle of soya sauce for one pound, 630ml.

Then right before me, was a little black shetland pony, a mare. So I spent some time stroking the black shetland pony, it was raising money for the ponies, so that the ponies could spend time with disabled children. The pony didn't look very happy, just standing there on the pavement, so I beamed some healing to her through my right hand. She had very sad eyes, so I spoke to her.

Then suddenly, a police officer came along to check the council paperwork of the fundraiser. After the police officer had finished, the black shetland let out a mighty roar at the officer. It was clear, that the pony did not like the police officer and was letting him know that he didn't.

I smiled, the little black pony with the scales of justice of the spiritual law. We were standing together, the black pony and mashiach kum, the black shetland was on my right side.

I spoke to the young man that had brought the pony all the way from Leicestershire, in respect of the paintings that I'd offered to the riding for the disabled charity. He spoke of how busy the local charity is, and to email them again. 

In the book of revelation it indicated that the lamb would open the third seal. The lamb, the innocent and tender hearted. Was the third seal opened in 2002, when David saw the sign of the mother and child. The prophecy speaks of Damascus, Syria, and Ephraim. Syria, a Christian nation once upon a time, the crossroads of religion, and the Isaiah prophecy indicates 65 years. 

There has also been some good news in respect of my son, he tells me that he begins his training-employment in the career of his choice with the children, before Christmas. The unlocking is working, although it has taken its time to manifest the potential of it.

Onwards and upwards 

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