
Sunday 12 October 2014

Make-Up Dream

While resting, I had a dream about make-up. There were three women in the dream. The woman at my left side was a neighbor and she wore no make-up. The woman in front of me wore a lot of make-up, she was insisting that I wore a skin make-up on my face. I didn't wear it, I wouldn't put the foundation on my face.

I put some of the foundation on the back of my hand, to show the woman that the foundation that she was asking me to wear, was a different color to my skin tone. My skin was a completely different color. Then the dream ended.

In dream interpretation, make-up such as this is symbolic of a 'concealer', a woman was trying to get me to conceal who I am. Flowers are not concealed.

The woman was asking me to wear a foundation, that she and her friends wear, she was trying to get me to be the same as them. Make-up was the common denominator, between her and her closest friends.

Hence, she was doing her utmost to make me conform. Being an Aquarian for an Aquarian Age, I would not conform. Some people associate make-up with self-esteem, state of being, and sometimes, it is the basis of how they judge themselves and others. From now on, I shall think of her as the 'concealer', under which, the real beauty of a saint is hidden.

In the dream I remained natural, and true to myself, and that is where and how true self-esteem can be seen. I did not require anything to conceal me, and who I truly am. Interesting that Psalm 40 mentions. the assembly, and the fact that 'I do not conceal your love'. They didn't understand when I was honored as a Love Ambassador, they didn't understand when I was honored as a Universal Peace Ambassador, after the return from Israel in 2006.

"I proclaim your saving acts in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, LORD, as you know. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart: I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly" Psalm 40:9-10

In modern times the cosmetics market was developed in America after the 20th century began. How life   and culture has changed in the last 100 years; due to the impact of America and American corporations.

They didn't understand daughter Zion, and why she defends the 'oppressed'. They didn't understand Zion's cause, and why she was sent to America. Micah 4. The true have real breasts.

Did you stay true to yourself. How great it is to be loved for your personality, and not your looks. How great it is to be loved for your purest essence, your soul and its Spirit. How great it is to be loved for your heart and its pure intention. How great it is when people experience the truly merciful, compassionate, and the natural, that carefully for naturalness. How wonderful it is when people appreciate the supernatural that enhances humanity and its evolution.

Last night I wrote that I know what I am going to do with the paperwork. I am going to make paper mache with it. I am going to recycle the paper, and deliver it back. As Elijah said to the woman, make sure you have plenty of flour and oil.


  1. Interesting when you look at the word 'cosmetics' in Greek.

    The word cosmetics derives from the Greek κοσμητικὴ τέχνη (kosmetikē tekhnē), meaning "technique of dress and ornament", from κοσμητικός (kosmētikos), "skilled in ordering or arranging"[4] and that from κόσμος (kosmos), meaning amongst others "order" and "ornament".[5] The first archeological evidence of cosmetics comes from the hollowed out tombs of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs.[6] Archaeological evidence of cosmetics dates at least from ancient Egypt and Greece.

  2. A young British woman has died in a cosmetic surgery clinic in Thailand. The report says that she was having a back operation.
