
Thursday 2 October 2014

Sulie Judged

Following on from the 'Escalator Nightmare', and recent events in the internet community. 

I have more important things to do, than write posts that are then instantly deleted. Thread after thread, post after post. However, I will share this with you, for clarity. So let us have it recorded for prosperity. 

Sulie Wrote: (Today 03:47 PM)
'Once again, preaching, and will be deleted. I do not answer to you. Take your crap some place esle. Being perma banned should tell you that you are not welcome here'

Lotus Feet responded

1. When did asking for facts become 'preaching'. Remind me to tell all of the lawyers that they are now 'preachers', cos Sulie says so. (Sulie had been asked to provide facts to support what she had written about Lotus Feet, past and present. For it is a matter of principle in human rights law, in regards to; who is telling the truth in my regard). 

2. You just answered the Mashiach Bodhisattva,  you do it continually Sulie.

For the LORD God sent his Mashiach Bodhisattva.

3. Sulie speaks of 'crap', now what did you throw at your mummy at breakfast time. 

4. 'Perma banned', it is a reasonable request to ask you to please provide written evidence, that supports that was ever the case. I received no notification of it. In fact, it was a member of the community, that passionately requested, that Lotus Feet return to the location specified. To help those that he recognized required help.

Did you honor the membership and its loyal members, like I did.

Are you a reasonable person, a person of justice, fairness, and integrity. 

Do you know how many members have PM'd asking for a new log in password for Lotus Feet.

Are you aware of the sheer power of love that exists.

The power of love is awesomeness, and whether wisdom posts on the internet or not, the power of my love, and what and whom has been delivered, exists forever. 

Thank the LORD for that.

The truth shall set them free. Truth that is scientifically proven to be true.

Who else wrote about a 'Perma ban', a person known as CHL He has a big history doesn't he. Sorry, can't call you a man, if you act, and write like a boy. 

CHL begged for forgiveness in the public domain due to his previous words, deeds and actions, a person that asked Lotus Feet to pray for him. 

I was one of the first people to publicly forgive CHL, and welcome him into a new location. The arms of love were open for him, I even spread the paint for him, as my heart went out to him and his heart.

While spreading the paint for him, I was given some interesting messages divinely.

However, as fate would have it. After that his girlfriend then shared what she had done, on the internet. Of course, the Mashiach Bodhisattva, already knew. Wisdom had been divinely guided, prior to the revelation being posted.

As I have shared many times, the ''Depth of your forgiveness, determines the depth of your love', Sacred Words

The patience of a saint, the Tao Peach, that Jesus called Lotus Feet, and the magnanimous love healing therapies. The one that caressed her students and clients with the power of love. Yet, people like Sulie and CHL chose to judge the holy Spirit sent by the LORD to help them. The holy Spirit that is like a gentle breeze on the face of a man. 

Jesus warned his followers that if they judged the holy Spirit, then the heavenly Father would not forgive them. As such, the judgement is his, for justice to be done. It is also written in scripture, that the Saints would judge the Angels, for the righteousness and power of love of the saints, is beyond measure. 

Only the true saints are justified in the judgements that they make, and many of the saints are finding out who they are. The more that people heal themselves, the more it is revealed to them, about who they are.

You can see by the words of Sulie and CHL, that they're still children emotionally and spiritually, and I cannot judge children that have been socially engineered. You can see the level of consciousness that they at, by the words that they write. 

Jesus warned his true followers, that they would be judged by their words in this timeline. In the beginning is the word, is the most profound statement ever made. The words that impact on their own hearts, flesh and blood, due to their co-creation. 

By the power of love, to love beyond measure, you come to know who are the noble saints and their character. You know by what they write, what they say, and the sound of their voice. As Jesus explained to Nicodemus, the Spirit of the twice born, is like the wind, you do not know where it came from, and you do not know where it is going. 

So if any saint chooses to judge an angel, first you have to know, whether that person has taught their soul to fly divinely. The true saints, stand with me, hand in hand, side by side, all over the world, from many nations, we crossed the new frontiers together in the power of our love. This is an international reality, heavenly sent. We are global.

This forthcoming eclipse is powerful, and the energy of it is like the flower, Black Buddha - Lily of the Nile. It will certainly impact on the consciousness of the nations. A different reality, the children of the nile, that love the flame of Joseph, that loves the children beyond measure.

May my peace be with you. 

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