
Thursday 2 October 2014


A lot is being written on the internet about this timeline and I have been feeling the energies of the forthcoming total lunar eclipse.

Agapanthus Black Buddhist

This forthcoming eclipse is very powerful, and the energy of it feels like the flower, Black Buddha - Lily of the Nile. It will certainly impact on the consciousness of the nations. A different reality, the children of the nile, that love the flame of Joseph, that loves the children beyond measure. 

Have you ever seen flowers with black stems, awesomeness. This African Blue Lily is originally a native of South Africa and Madagascar. It was named by the ancient Greeks; it's name comes from the words "agape" (unconditional love) and "anthos" (flower).

Wisdom's children come, they know that wisdom is a tree of life, and that all of her paths are peace. They also know that the wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under her feet, daughter Zion exists. Mashiach Bodhisattva. 

May my peace be with you all. Flowers blossom, flowers grow, flowers heal, the leaves for healing the nations. Hold them tenderly in your hand, enjoy the beauty of the Lily of the Nile. 

Last night, I also received an 'Escalator Nightmare', and the children are aware that if they go out after sunset, they must be aware, for this is the sober decade. They must listen to their intuition, and the warnings that their soul gives them. The holy Spirit and guardian angels guide the souls of the children, to keep them in a safe, and healthy realities of well-being. Remember you are safer in twos. Listen to the light, listen to the love, listen to the life, and what nature is showing you. 

The date of the eclipse is the 7th and 8th of October, depending where you are in the world. The 7th of October is the 'Day of Defiance', and we all know how 'defiant' some children can be. The eclipse also brings strikes, so no surprise that 400,000 health workers, that include midwives are striking.

In many cases, those that are 'defiant', are those that remain silent, if and when their parents ask them to do something that is appropriate and healthy for them. On the 7th, a spiritual life number, it is written that the planet Uranus that rules the water bearer Aquarius, will be near opposition during the eclipse.

With silence, a lot of it goes back to their own childhoods, if and when their parents were silent to them. As I asked the people, what did you throw at your mummy at breakfast time. Breakfast is on! Did you find the treasure from your childhood, did you comprehend it, did it impact on your children, and their children.

Did you sit in the coal bunker at a party, until someone came to find you. What did you gain, how joyous was your discovery, about the self. Were you able to laugh at yourself, did you find the joy in your heart. As Jesus said, There is plenty of joy for everyone'. 

The 8th October is the 'Day of Romance', so we can anticipate a lot of news to with romantic relationships. With eight being the symbol of infinity, we can be sure that it will be about the perfection of the twin flames. October, being the tenth month, it is also about a new cycle of time in relationships.

So lets have a romantic song from an all time great, Diana Ross, a star above stars, a woman that spread the love wherever she went. The great aspect of the integration of agape, is that you are never to shy, to say I love you. You are never to shy to say, you are beautiful. You are never to shy to express who you truly are, for you know when you have become divine love in manifestation.

This eclipse is a Saros 127, and that also adds up to ten, so its a good month and eclipse for anything romantic. Will romance impact on how you look, what you write and how you behave. Will it be the power of love that compels, inspires and motivates you. Dance, music, art, poetry and song. 

Are you an incurable romantic, does love pour out of every pore of you, does your light and love, light up a room. Bring your love beyond measure on this lunar eclipse.

This saros lunar eclipse comes every 18 years, so if you look back to the events of 18 years ago, you will get a feel for its energies and power. 1996, a fantastic year for the spiritual community, its growth and expansion. Reiki healing and holistic therapies were booming, catapulting the love beyond measure. During that timeline, clients had access to yours truly, via phone, and they could call me for divine guidance. The phone line took off like a rocket, everything that wisdom touched soared, we definitely changed the narrative. 

The romance with the love of living the life as healers, pure awesomeness. It was a cosmic time when many people were reviewing their relationships, and where they were going in life. 

The flowers blossomed with Agape, the children of our nations blossom in unconditional love. In agape there is no 'pressure' on children, to learn, not in education, nor at home. In agape, they're allowed to grow naturally, organically. As Jesus said, let the children come unto me. He meant, to let them come willingly, and naturally.

In October 1996, the New Zealand government agreed to pay the compensation to the Maori.

Hence, this eclipse is bound to impact on those types of realities. The indigenous peoples, their land and natural resources, that spiritual people support, wholeheartedly. 


The gematria of 127, is the Oak King, and the Hopi. The acorns of love that have grown into oaks of  righteousness. The Oak King, the children of Abraham that are spread around the world.

As far as the 'defiance' is concerned, I cannot judge children that have been socially engineered. You can see the level of consciousness that they are at, by the words that they write. Jesus warned his true followers, that they would be judged by their words in this timeline. Remember the noble eightfold path of the bodhisattva, and its self-discipline that is essential in these last days of the end times.

In the beginning is the word, is the most profound statement ever made. The words that impact on their own hearts, flesh and blood, due to their co-creation. 

By the power of love, to love beyond measure, you come to know who are the noble saints and their character. You know by what they write, what they say, and the sound of their voice. As Jesus explained to Nicodemus, the Spirit of the twice born, is like the wind, you do not know where it came from, and you do not know where it is going. 

So if any saint judges an angel, first you have to know, whether that person has taught their soul to fly divinely. The true saints, stand together, hand in hand, side by side, all over the world, from many nations, we crossed the new frontiers together in the power of our love. This is an international reality, heavenly sent. We are global in the power of love beyond measure.

This eclipse comes in the week of Libra 11 of 'Week of Society', its strength is in being up-to-date, fair, just, and insightful. Remember wisdom was called for her wisdom and insights. 

Libra loves balance, harmony and soft colors. They like harmonious circumstances and life conditions. However, Libra is also the scales, and human rights will be compelled at this time. Human rights have my full support,  dignity and justice is a human right of everyone.

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