
Friday 3 October 2014


The incoming eclipse energies are interesting, the righteous are 'letting go' of those that are not.

Clearly, the righteous have had enough of what some people do and say. Its the last phase of the walking away, from those that 'refused' to listen, to that which could help them in every way.

The gentle waters of shiloh, and the children of wisdom come. The testimony of warning has been given for many years, and a vast array of prophecies and predictions were confirmed as true.

The one that gets wisdom loves life, and the one that cherishes understanding, will soon prosper'.

You could view it as a paradigm shift, remember in 2012, it was the end of the world as people have known it. Unconditional love that enables people to soar like a rocket. Onwards and upwards from the heart.

Unconditional love exists in the righteousness of the spiritual law of the cosmos. They were given plenty of opportunities to change their ways, plenty of opportunities to step up, heal, and speak the truth in regard to love beyond measure and its power. Plenty of opportunities to embrace wisdom, and turn their hearts to the children. Plenty of opportunities to do what the LORD requested for the righteous and holy ones.

Only when they see what happens to friends and families, will they begin to comprehend, what they were asked to comprehend. It has been brought to my attention today, that it has been a matter of trust. How much did people trust the righteous, in fact, how much do they trust themselves.

Did they even recognize, or accept, that a righteous person was amongst them.

Did they have any idea what it was costing them health wise, did they know what they were co-creating for themselves, their offsprings, and nations.

Did they comprehend that the LORD watches over the way of the righteous and that the righteous are blessed by the LORD. Psalm 1:6. Psalm 5:12 The righteous are surrounded with favor as a shield, the LORD upholds the righteous. Psalm 37:17.

'Better the little that the righteous have'. Psalm 37:16  ''The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just'. Psalm 37:30 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree'. Psalm 92:12

'Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart'. Psalm 97:11

It feels like a major shift, and many people are going to feel it impact on their lives. In this, is a righteous renewal, as more and more of the righteous are reunited. In the last decade, many of the righteous headed off into different directions for the divine plan, now they will reunite again. Due to the sheer importance of the transition of humanity and what is happening.

The LORD said, 'Its all about numbers'.

The righteous comprehend the spiritual law and its consequences. They've done the purification work that was required of them, they're coming home, for the new, that will be shared with them. The righteous are protected by Elijah.

Rev 22:11, Proverbs 10:3

The name of the righteous is used in blessings. Proverbs 10:7

Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life. 10:17, the prospect of the righteous is joy. 10:28. From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom. 10:31. 

Do you remember we started the year with the joy. It was fabulous to hold the golden energy.

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